Lawrence of Arabia
Lawrence of Arabia
PG | 20 September 2002 (USA)
Lawrence of Arabia Trailers

The story of British officer T.E. Lawrence's mission to aid the Arab tribes in their revolt against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. Lawrence becomes a flamboyant, messianic figure in the cause of Arab unity but his psychological instability threatens to undermine his achievements.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
caseyt-48511 "Lawrence of Arabia" is either the greatest movie ever made, or the second greatest. The true power and scope has only been matched by few other films. It is a film that really does stand the test of time. In an age where special effect driven films are king(as much as i like those), it is great to watch a film where you truly see thousands of people charging a fort on horse, and camel, back. It's a long ride, but it is never boring. It is full of fantastic characters acted out by even better actors. Peter O'Toole should have won every acting award available to win. His performance is consistently ranked among the greatest in movie history. Omar Sharif and Claude Rains are also deserving of much praise. The music is extraordinary and captures each scene very well. The personal journey of Lawrence is fascinating as well. David Lean's direction is practically flawless and proved that he is still one of the best directors ever. All in all, David Lean's masterpiece is a timeless, must see movie that has not been diminished by time.
adonis98-743-186503 The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks. Lawrence of Arabia has some terrific shots and cinematography plus O'Toole gave a pretty good perfomance however the film's running time was painful and almost reached 4 hours and it shouldn't be that long plus the rest of the cast wasn't as strong as the main protagonist and overall the movie simply doesn't hold up as perhaps it used to decades ago even tho it does have it's plus. (4/10)
simon-12915 The best film every made! Astounding! The desert scenery is spectacular and Peter O'Toole's performance is amazing. A must see film, 10 out of 10!
cinemajesty Film Review: "Lawrence of Arabia" (1962)This 215-Minute-Epic divided into two parts with classic overture by Academy-Award-winning score composer Maurice Jarre (1924-2009) and an Intermission after 135 Minutes establishing the dramatized biopic-story of real-life character T.E. Lawrence (1888-1935), who raises from a simple foot-soldier corporal in dusty little basements to Colonel of "The British Army", portrayed by an high-tense internal-conflicts of identity performing as shaping actor Peter O'Toole (1932-2013), introduced by director David Lean (1908-1991) and producer Sam Spiegel (1901-1985), both at this point in their careers already honored with an Academy-Award for Spiegel producing "On The Waterfront" (1954) starring Marlon Brando and Lean directing the also magnificent "The Bridge On The River Kwai" (1957) starring Alec Guinness (1914-2000), who portrays here another memorable part for David Lean in "Lawrence of Arabia" as modernism-indulging Arabian Prince Feisal with heavy but believable make-up effects and vocal diversions, when supporting character Feisal sets inner motions into action by speaking directly onto bird-free character of 28-year-old Lawrence in times of "The Great War" aka World War I (1914-1918) as the fate of a uncompromising raw man takes its turns by leading sections of Prince Feisal only horse-and-sword trained army into battles of guerilla warfare in the desert regions of now all-splintered Syria, where merciless killings are not as seldom in width as depths of extraordinary on-location cinematography by F.A. Young (1902-1998), also known for shooting "007: You Only Live Twice" (1967) for director Lewis Gilbert, when further the relentless in-sucking CinemaScope framing, especially in horizon to mirage in-camera effects to favor the throughout intense as playful performances by Omar Sharif as Ali and Anthony Quinn as scene-towering character of Auda Abu Tayi."Lawrence of Arabia" takes its hypnosis on any spectre, who brings patience and will to comprehend the story-driven metamorphosis of Peter O'Toole becoming T.E. Lawrence; a character manifested into strong personal believes of pushing efforts to the extreme in crossing never-been undertaking endeavors of conquering coast city Aqaba in minimized editorial shot-rates by editor Anne V. Coates, who gives the picture utmost of elegance in plenty of desert action scenes of bombing Turkish-army-conducted trains from their railing, massive crowd of extras in rifle, pistol, knife combats and up, close and personal character confrontations, in another superior-suspense-scene in a besieged city of Medina, where Lawrence must endure references in physical torture and for the period of time daring winks of unresolved homosexuality in an show-stopping portrayal of actor José Ferrer (1912-1992) as Turkish Bey, remarking of being surrounded by orders-taking cattle, while leaned-back as professional puppet masters actor Jack Hawkins as campaign-leading General Allenby and reptile-lingering politics-representing business man Mr. Dryden, performed with charms and inverted hostility alike actor Claude Rains (1889-1967); when director David Lean concludes every scene with perfection by interweaving them into the next, as legendary PRE-"2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) straight jump cut from an extinguishing match to a desert sunrise, when I can only wish you the best possible exhibition format for a day-taking blast of motion picture extravaganza from every film-making department involved in this Native English major scale production of slowly high-stakes building main character favoring story-line, exclusively in continuous world-wide distributing Hollywood studio Columbia Pictures, now affiliate of The Sony Company, too even more critical acclaim nowadays, justifying the 10 Academy-Award nominations and 7 wins at the Oscars ceremony in its 36th edition of year 1963, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Music Score. © 2018 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)