The Air I Breathe
The Air I Breathe
R | 25 January 2008 (USA)
The Air I Breathe Trailers

A drama based on an ancient Chinese proverb that breaks life down into four emotional cornerstones: happiness, pleasure, sorrow and love. A businessman bets his life on a horse race; a gangster sees the future; a pop star falls prey to a crime boss; a doctor must save the love of his life.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Sherazade Not sure how the Chinese proverb on which the film is based goes exactly but it's something along the lines of: Love, Pleasure, Sorrow & Happiness are the four basic emotions that we experience in life and one cannot exist without the other nor can one be so powerful that it sustains its feeling forever. Something to that effect and with that basis we are introduced the first of the four characters who will embody these four emotions throughout the course of the film. Happiness (Forest Whitaker) is an average Joe with an uneventful life working a dead-end job and dreaming of a better life when he crosses paths with Pleasure (Brendan Fraser) a mysterious and moody gentleman who comes into Happiness' office to place bets on the stock market and has never lost a bet. One night, Happiness dreams of a butterfly that flies into his room in the middle of the night and perches on his bedpost and the next morning while in his office's restroom her overhears a conversation between his co-workers who have inside information about a winning horse from an upcoming race, he hears the name of the horse is "butterfly" and sees this as a sign and takes his entire savings to bet on the horse but unfortunately loses and becomes indebted to a notorious mob boss named Fingers (played by Andy Garcia). Meanwhile, Fingers (who also happens to be Pleasure's boss) has just received a big payment from one of his debtors in the form of an up and coming pop star named Trista (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar) who also embodies the emotion Sorrow. The debtor was Trista's former manager who has handed over his top client as partial payment for his gambling debts (unbeknowst to Trista) and when Trista comes to know about this, she is furious but forced to go along with this new arrangement. While getting acquainted with her new handlers, she crosses paths with Pleasure who is smitten with her and sparks fly between them. Meanwhile, somewhere across town, a poisonous snake has just bitten a woman with a rare blood type who also happens to be the unrequited love of Love's (Kevin Bacon) life and he races against the clock to try and save her, while in the emergency room he catches a glimpse of Sorrow AKA Trista giving an interview to an entertainment channel in which when asked what's so special about her, she reveals that she has a very rare blood type which happens to be the same as Love's dying love. The rest of the movie sees Love tracking down Sorrow and while it's tedious at times to keep track of what is going on, the story is beautifully told and beautifully acted by its apt cast and it all comes together in the end.
juke-600-108876 This movie was preposterous, and overwrought. When the final pieces started falling together I literally screamed out at the screen. People have compared this to Tarantino? Not even close. It is a poor man's version of Crash, at best, and is really pathetic from beginning to end. B movie, with an A list cast. I too watched it for free, and I got ripped off. I mainly got it for Julie Delpy, and she is entirely wasted. I hope she and the others got a good payday out of this, because it definitely did nothing else for them, or me.Juke!
Desertman84 The Air I Breathe is the directorial film debut of Korean-American filmmaker Jieho Lee, who co-wrote the script with Bob DeRosa. In this powerful film, four very different people on the edge of desperation are unexpectedly linked by their destinies. A top-notch cast featuring Forest Whitaker, Andy Garcia, Kevin Bacon, Brendan Fraser, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Emile Hirsch unforgettably brings to life the stories of a clairvoyant gangster, a rising pop star, an unlikely bank robber and a doctor desperate to save the love of his life.The concept of the film is based on an ancient Chinese proverb that breaks life down into four emotional cornerstones – Happiness, Pleasure, Sorrow, and Love. The proverb speaks of these emotions, not as isolated fragments of feelings, but as elements that make up the whole of the human existence. Each of the four protagonists is based on one of the four emotions; and like the proverb their paths are inextricably linked to each other, akin to the Fingers of a hand.A powerful crime boss, Fingers, subtly controls the destinies of four people whose circumstances have brought them to a crossroads in their lives. A quiet business executive is told that an upcoming horse race has been rigged and bets everything he has on his belief that the story is true. A noted pop singer discovers her career is hanging in the balance when she's forced to sever ties with her manager. A doctor must set aside a physician's traditional guidelines when circumstances demand he treat the woman he loves after a serious accident. And a criminal has a powerful vision of the future, but can't decide if his premonitions are to be trusted. Every so often a crime drama with delusions of existential grandeur comes ambling down the pike. Sometimes a philosophically-inclined filmmaker strikes cinematic gold. If video director Jieho Lee's erratic debut falls short of that estimable mark, he can't be faulted for lack of ambition. It is a jumbled Independent production that accomplishes little save for the squandering of a talented cast,who themselves could not help the film reach its potential.Each story has its moments but it lacks an overarching vision.Added to that,a stew of cheap irony, ponderous but meaningless allegory, violence and pretension, the movie is all borrowed style and calculated pandering. It does, however, get more ludicrous by the minute.But inconsistent acting and clunky dialogue aside, it infuses conventional genre thrills with introspection to intermittently engaging effect.
KineticSeoul I really didn't know what to expect from this movie, never even heard of the director. But decided to check the movie out because of the casting and I must say it's a decent movie about the converging of destinies. And if you like movies that has something to do with the converging of destinies will probably enjoy this movie and there is four segments in this one. Some people claim this movie is a copy of "Pulp Fiction" I don't really think that is the case and the cross thread story line works pretty well although there really isn't much character development in each segment. Although the fast pacing can be a good thing cause it really doesn't get boring for the most part. The screenplay is the main negative aspect of this movie, it just all seemed like a dream because it just feels silly at times. It's a ambitious movie but it just doesn't feel like it got the job done right at times as well. The acting is done really well though even if few stood out more than the other, the script is decent so all in all it's worth checking out but nothing really breathtaking. The ending isn't amazing, but satisfying.6.9/10