Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
PG-13 | 27 February 2009 (USA)
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Trailers

When a teenager, Chun-Li witnesses the kidnapping of her father by wealthy crime lord M. Bison. When she grows up, she goes on a quest for vengeance and becomes the famous crime-fighter of the Street Fighter universe.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Eric Stevenson I remember reading Leonard Maltin's review of both "Street Fighter" movies. He first said that the original from 1994 was the worst movie ever based on a video game. Then he said this one made that one look like "Citizen Kane"! Yeah, I can agree with him. Whereas the original film was extremely stupid with horrible acting, at least they had the nerve to actually make the characters look the same way they do in the games. In this one, they could barely even get a single costume right. Even Vega's mask looked off! You could in fact change the name of every character and the title and absolutely no one would know it was based on "Street Fighter".None of the characters look or act anything like their video game counterparts. Why did they make these drastic changes anyway? Why even make it a "Street Fighter" movie? Why not just make it an original idea? I don't even think people would accuse it of ripping off "Street Fighter" because of how unrelated it is! It would still be horrendous either way. Even the plot is completely stupid. It features M. Bison being the father of Rose and he actually created her so he could sacrifice his good nature directly into her to become evil. We even see a flashback where he literally performs a C-section on her mother. He still has a soft spot for her. Why? He's pure evil now! Most of the hair colors weren't even right! I would expect a "Street Fighter" movie to have the main character Ryu in it, but they couldn't even do that! They didn't even have the secondary character, Ken in it! Ryu is in fact mentioned at the VERY end of the film when discussing an actual "Street Fighter" tournament. Chun-Li says she isn't interested so the film doesn't even technically set up a sequel! Granted, it's wonderful that it didn't, but still very misleading. I admit to not being that familiar with the newer "Street Fighter" characters.Of course, I didn't have to be to even know that they were represented horribly. Everyone in this movie is stupid, even the extras! There's one scene where someone's shot and a crowd responds by throwing fruit at the shooter. Yeah, I think that'll stop guns. Most of these characters serve no purpose with no distinct personalities. You could literally replace them with anyone else and no one would notice the difference. In the end, M. Bison is defeated by having bags fall on him. Wow, it's a "Home Alone" prank that does him in. This is idiotic in every sense, but I guess it might be because it's worse than the already awful 1994 movie. Not for fans, critics, moviegoers or ANYONE. Zero stars
utgard14 Hilariously bad video game movie that doesn't miss a single cliché. Petite, whispery-voiced Kristin Kreuk is the title character, a concert pianist who undergoes martial arts training to get revenge on her father's killer (Neal McDonough). This is the kind of movie that is just awful if you watch it alone but, if you watch it with friends, you can have a great time making fun of it. The direction is terrible, the script is moronic, the action lackluster, and the performances range from mediocre to pathetically bad. Chris Klein -- oh my god Chris Klein -- you have to see this turd just for his performance. It is the worst! I couldn't believe what I was watching. Was this guy for real or was he deliberately being bad because he hated the script? I mean, he's Chris Klein so nobody expects much from him to begin with but his performance here was one of the all-time stinkers. Every line delivery, every facial expression, every single scene he has is a lesson in bad acting.Street Fighter was pretty big in the '90s, which is when they made the last Street Fighter movie. Why in the world they thought Street Fighter was still popular enough to warrant a movie in 2009 is beyond me. I guess it was either this or Q-Bert. It's manure but it's worth seeing if you enjoy laughing at bad movies with your buddies.
starlimitz2 When producers know that the 1994 movie completely flopped into nothing but an inside joke, they could have turned around and decided to make a serious movie that could have driven the Street Fighter game to new levels, but no, they crapped it all down the tubes. The sequencing is absolutely terrible, they start out with a narrative, and have a few good parts, but then the narrative just keeps going and the movie keeps bogging itself down with very poor wire-stunt work, and some of the worst acting I've ever seen. The "kungfu master" Gen, who is obviously a combined character of Ken and Ryu, has the most cliché dialog ever thought up to go along with his infinitely cliché role. The only really good performances I could find were from Michael Clark Duncan and Neal McDonough. Through out the movie, you could very easily predict what was going to happen several minutes before it actually did. All in all, another depressing look at one of my favorite childhood past-times, put into live action and carelessly flailed across the screen.
Ben Larson Let's go through this again for the benefit of those who are thick- headed. Books, video games, and movies are separate art forms. Comparing them is an exercise in futility.Given that, you can expect that will be a review of the movie. I do not care what relation it has to a video game. I am strictly looking at the story presented, and the actors involved.First, I like that Neal McDonough is the bad guy. he is a very bad guy, to say the least. I didn't like his character in Walking Tall, and am glad to see him get more of the treatment he deserves here.I didn't like Michael Clarke Duncan at his side. He played such a good character in The Green Mile, that it is difficult seeing him playing a baddie. He did a great job nonetheless.Kristin Kreuk is new to me as I never watched the WB. She did a fair job, and kept me interested so much that I hung in there way past my bedtime. I wasn't familiar with Moon Bloodgood either, but she was definitely hot, and worth seeking out in other films. The Surrogate sounds like a good one to watch.
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