Outpost: Black Sun
Outpost: Black Sun
| 25 April 2012 (USA)
Outpost: Black Sun Trailers

A pair of investigators team up with a Special Forces Unit to venture deep inside a war raging between the military and a massive army of Nazi Zombie Stormtroopers. Their mission is to fight their way behind enemy lines, locate the technology at the source of this growing threat and prevent the seemingly inevitable rise of the 4th Reich.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Dan Ashley (DanLives1980) I was a fan of the surprising Outpost of 2008. It was one of the few offerings of the last decade that rose above its cheapness. Steve Barker showed great potential, something that was made clear with the help of veteran character actors such as Ray Stevenson and Richard Brake; not to forget a tightly wound atmospheric soundtrack! Surprisingly, Steve Barker returned to write and direct this sequel and yet it plays like a franchise that has been continued by an amateur replacement.Whereas the film has strength in a few authentic battle-scenes and the use of functioning weapons and blanks instead of CGI muzzle fire (very important to me), this review isn't about trying to save what remains of a bad film. Its lack of good actors coupled with everything else that fails makes it fall flat beyond its promising opening scenes.Barker makes the mistake of reinventing what worked to such great effect the first time around. I understand that he was trying to broaden the scope for a greater sense of danger regarding the plot but he fails to deliver on a larger scale. And yet by the time we return to the bunker, it's almost as if the movie ran out of funding.Outpost was claustrophobic and played on informational - and sometimes sensory - deprivation. In Black Sun, the cinematography is loose, the characters are paper thin and rather than a sense of urgency, the film is paced with the impatience of a rushed production.Furthermore I was let down by the sudden differences in the undead Nazi threat. In Outpost they couldn't die, not even after the EMP blast in the final scenes. Now all of a sudden they're being defeated with knives and they're dumber. They don't attack with the same savagery and they do a lot of screaming, which kills the mystery that actually made them frightening.Finally, and I'm breaking my own rule of not spoiling movies in my reviews, what the hell made Steve Barker think it'd be good or scary in any way to throw a witch hag into the mix? The ending doesn't even deserve the result of your insulted intelligence!
Leofwine_draca I was looking forward to watching OUTPOST: BLACK SUN, having enjoyed the first film and being a fan of Nazi zombie films in general. However, this sequel appears to have been shot by a crew without much talent, because it's generally a mess, and a poorly-shot mess at that.The story begins promisingly as a young woman tracks down an old Nazi in Paraguay. It's great to see the veteran Michael Byrne in this minor role. However, things start slipping when she gets teamed up with an obnoxious researcher (Richard Coyle, sporting an American accent) and a team of grunts to go and investigate another Nazi menace.What this all boils down to is lots of shaky cam work as the characters run around, kill, and are killed by Nazi zombies. The villains are pretty weak here, indistinguishable from loads of other movies, and the characters are paper thin. Everything has been shot in the dark, and clumsily with it, which means the action is no better than something you'd see in the ultra low budget likes of THE ZOMBIE DIARIES: WORLD OF THE DEAD and its ilk. What could have been a strong and terrifying supernatural-themed movie turns out to be badly shot, badly scripted, and completely forgettable to boot.
Providencefighter After reading several negative reviews on this title I decided to check it out. I must disagree with the critics yet again. The main character Lena is explained in good detail she is a war criminal fighter captures terrorists,Nazi's and so fourth. To say that an audience dosen't care about her is a mistake and big one at that. Secondly Wallace is obviously the bad guy and that comes out at the end his had a devious plan all along to get the most valuable piece of the machine and work his way into creating a zombie army of his own after Klassener dies. The action scenes weren't something ad great as transformers but it was like Call Of Duty black ops zombies gameplay only with a big story all it's own. Try to pay close attention to films before jumping the gun and writing negative lies about them.
yippeekiyah dreadful i would rather have my teeth pulled out by a monkey than ever watch this again.huge fan of the 1st film its was low budget sure but it had a great cast there were well picked and the style and feel of the film was great very sort of David fincher tight and close it felt like a real place and real bunker a little light on action maybe but the script was simple and enjoyable and you could watch it more than once and happily keep it on the DVD shelf.BUT this was total junk, full of holes including... some woman doing something is she some kind of war criminal chaser ??? who they hell cares. then some guy joins her is he the bad guy is he the hero who cares. a typical cheap sequel like AVP2 with the over the top army getting involved scenes and poor action and no real explanation for anything at all and why the hell do these zombies now scream like mad ?? i have to turn the volume down on then screaming i don't remember them screaming like 70s bmovie zombies in the last one so what the hells going on. the cast are cheap wannabes to look almost like the last cast and again who cares about them, no character build up no real story as to why anything is going on, and why is there a crazy old zombie lady with a huge rack limping around ? its poor the director will never work again.a poor poor remake in fact if they had brought this to my house to review i would have hit them with an ashtray.junk total junk avoid all day long