Batman Returns
Batman Returns
PG-13 | 19 June 1992 (USA)
Batman Returns Trailers

In the sewers of Gotham City and up to the rooftops of Gotham City, the Penguin (Danny DeVito) wants to know where he came from... Just as Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer) plans to kill Gotham's wealthy man, Max Shreck (Christopher Walken), but while trying to fight him, he... With millionaire Bruce Wayne (Michael Keaton), and both men had their own secrets. ..Bruce Wayne returns as Batman as he tries to stop the Penguin; ...Max helps the Penguin rob Gotham City, while Catwoman tries to help the Penguin, not knowing the goal of killing her man. Max has planned at Christmas time in Gotham City, where Christmas celebrations are being held under the siege of the Penguin Man and a group of mutants, and the man has to Bat saves the day

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Johnny H. Batman Returns is one of the edgiest mainstream 90s blockbusters you'll EVER see. It's got so much edge that the film was unsuitable for McDonald's planned Happy Meal tie-in promotions for the movie so they cancelled those plans. So how does this film compare to the multitude of Batman films after this one came out? Pretty good I'd say. Even against Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy it's still a solid movie in itself. Where Nolan got the crime and neo-noir aspects of Batman down-pat, Burton accomplished for the Gothic overtones present in a lot of the classic Batman stories.Batman Returns is not exactly a feel-good superhero film: its villain, Oswald Cobblepot, is a misfit who was thrown into a river left to die (by his parents), and Selina Kyle turns regular woman into crime-fighting-and-committing vigilante by night. And Batman is still that same tormented orphan we've all come to know and love through the years.Batman Returns is a dark Batman story but its Gothic imagery compliments the story and direction, even if the style sometimes out-performs the story to some extent. Flawed but good I'd say. 4/5 stars.
Ian (Flash Review)This felt similar to me from the original Batman movie with Keaton, Nicholson and Basinger, which was great thanks to worlds only Tim Burton can create and the wonderful score only Danny Elfman can dream up. DeVito was stellar as the visually repugnant Penguin living in the gruesomeness of Gotham City's sewers. He is the core of this film as he tries to learn who his parents are and why he was discarded soon after birth as well as being respected by the city he lives underneath with a political scheme accompanied by Max Shreck (Walken). Additionally, we learn how Catwoman (Pfeiffer) comes to be and she later joins Penguin in attempting to foil and frame Batman. So lots of fun characters in a realistic-feeling world, free from much(?) CGI, giving this movie an honest and gritty atmosphere. Keaton is the best Batman in my opinion and his dialog, along with the others, have amusing double meanings at times. This is a well-written, directed, scored, acted and visually creative movie with fun energy and tension. A classic Hollywood success.
Benedict02 Not only is "Batman Returns" the best Batman film in the original anthology, it is also one of Tim Burton's best films. The sets are superb and dark-a vast improvement from the seemingly oil canvas backgrounds of Batman (1989)-Bo Welch and the set designers done a magnificent job capturing the vibe of Gotham City. The most impressive set is the Penguin's Lair, which contained several live Penguins and over half a million gallons of water; despite it's horror vibe it is the most familiar and aesthetically pleasing set. The exterior of Gotham is very reminiscent of Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927).In typical Burton fashion, parents are presented in a negative light; this is seen at the start of the film-in the most memorable opening to a Batman movie, as well as Danny Elfman's superb track "Birth of a Penguin." Oswald Cobblepot is abandoned at birth for his grotesque, Penguin-like features, he is placed in a basket and thrown into a river which eventually leads him to the "Arctic World" beneath "Gotham Zoo." I suppose that's what happens when Pee-Wee Herman (Paul Reubens) is your father. The Penguin's abandonment has several similarities to the story of Moses featured in the book of Exodus in the Bible; this theme is further explored as Penguin's main plan is to capture and kill all first born sons of Gotham, by drowning them in the sewer.Danny DeVito's portrayal of the penguin is magnificent, he is funny, strangely charming, evil, psychotic and the viewer can not help but feel sympathetic for his character; i often struggle holding back the tears when his death scene arrives-yet again made better by Elfman's superb score.Michael Keaton reprises his role as Batman, he is even more brooding and impressive in this much darker sequel. Michelle Pfeiffer is amazing at playing Catwoman. She is seen at first playing the pathetic Selena Kyle until she is killed and "re-born" as Catwoman; the perfectly dark, sinister and sexy character for the Burtonesque Universe.Christopher Walken plays the shrewd businessman Max Shreck, his name is the same of the German actor who plays "Count Orlok" in "Nosferatu," this s also referenced in the film; before Shreck pushes Selena out of a window he looks as though he goes to bite her neck. His performance is so dastardly brilliant you can't help liking him, despite his evil persona.Batman Returns has an amazing cast, director, soundtrack, script, plot and set designs; every second is entertaining and the dark setting adds to the Gothic vibe. The colours used are very similar to those used in early silent German horror films-most notably "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari." Burton captures the true essence of Batman in this movie, it's even enjoyable if you're not a fan of the caped crusader.
stormhawk2018 Once again, the performance of the villain is superior to Michael Keaton's moderate portrayal of Batman. This time, our main foe is the Penguin, played by none other than Danny Devito. His performance makes him almost as sophisticated and disturbing as Nicholson's Joker. With Christopher Walken as a supporting role, it makes it seem that this is a superb sequel. However, I felt that Michelle Pfeiffer's performance as Catwoman was more focused on being seductive, rather being a clever feline thief. Overall, it doesn't feel superior to the predecessor, but remains as entertaining.