PG | 30 March 1988 (USA)
Beetlejuice Trailers

A newly dead New England couple seek help from a deranged demon exorcist to scare an affluent New York family out of their home.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues Incredible premise and funny idea of Tim Burton's morbidity which delivery each single scene in high class dark comedy,the highlights of movie probable are Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice and the trial center which all ghost are sending to make a propper registration always obeying a long waiting queue with astronomic number,more the old Sylvia Sidney in small role!!Resume:First watch: 1995 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7.25
Joel Kullberg A thanks to all involved in this movie - its awesome in my opinion overall. Tim Burton I do believe in you - and Winona Ryder: Your spectacular and happy birthday from me to you!! --,-SYou could come and shoot a screenplay in Sweden sometime :). There are some Gothic buildings and various things from history lingering on and so on. Working with you people would be a ultimate dream AND vision come true I do declare. There's so much darkness in the world - lets twist it together to something better?/Joel Kullberg H- Actor - -
noontide21 This is a movie that's talked about so much that you practically know it, even if you haven't seen it; it's a pop culture phenomenon. Well, I never saw this movie when it came out in the theaters, don't really know why, just hadn't made the time to see it. I finally saw it (1/25/17) and... man, was it boring. Yes, boring.The pacing is slow, the acting is mediocre (the mother and father) and some of the jokes don't land. I love the actors in this movie, but it just seems to drag along. The special effects are dated, but rather enjoyable, so I didn't mind that at all. My biggest gripe about this movie was with Beetlejuice himself. For a movie that carries his name in the title and is acted with great gusto by Michael Keaton, you'd think Beetlejuice would be in the movie a lot more. The movie is 1 1/2 hours long and Beetlejuice is on screen for about 15 minutes! His character is not fleshed out all that well, as oftentimes we are left to wonder about his motivation. Is he a good guy, a bad guy, who's he trying to help or hurt? Beetlejuice just acts quirky and rambles on, probably in the hopes that we as the audience won't notice that he's not really doing anything. But again, it's the story itself that fails; it has bad pacing, not enough of the main title character, and ultimately it becomes a boring mess This is a movie that had great actors, a decent outline for a story and terrific potential, unfortunately it doesn't deliver on any of them. I think I would have liked this movie if I had seen it when it came out and I would remember it fondly and with a nostalgic sense of wonder. But no, I just recently saw it and nope, can't recommend it. As an 80's kid, I hate saying this, but this movie is just badly executed. Sad, it could have really been something, if they had only made Beetlejuice the main character in the movie and fleshed out the story.
Hitchcoc From "Topper" to "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" to present day, we have had movies where ghosts occupy space with humans and even are in discourse with them (usually, only one of them). In this film, a couple of newlyweds purchase and old house and everything is fine until they are both killed in a car accident. In the afterlife, they continue to occupy the place, but, of course, the house is sold, and another couple moves in. This is disheartening as they now realize they are actually dead. We have a lot of potential here. They decide to drive the new owners out of the house, but they don't know what they can do, so they enlist an evil spirit, played by Michael Keaton, to do their dirty work. The problem is that he is totally uncontrollable and soon they are paying a bigger price than the new occupants. Of course, it's Tim Burton, so it's dark and oddly funny, but Keaton wears on one after a while, and the film slide into all sorts of gimmicky special effects. He is not the least likable, and that works against the charm of the story.