R | 30 October 2008 (USA)
RocknRolla Trailers

When a Russian mobster sets up a real estate scam that generates millions of pounds, various members of London's criminal underworld pursue their share of the fortune. Various shady characters, including Mr One-Two, Stella the accountant, and Johnny Quid, a druggie rock-star, try to claim their slice.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
cinemajesty Movie Review: "RocknRolla" (2008)Some entertainment that is, Director Guy Ritchie takes his original script about inner city criminals shifting a never revealed considered to be lost painting in between the Russian Mafia and funloving Music Gig managers, filling the movie with an extraordinary ensemble cast in playing-mode going out from charismatic actor Gerard Butler as the close to bi-sexual character of One Two and driven force, gentleman king-pin playing actor Tom Wilkinson through an uneventful-shot movie with strong color palette and some contrasty lighting on balanced locations, but to no camera motion, bringing it all down to the supporting character performances sharing in from Thandie Newton, Mark Strong, Tom Hardy, Idris Elba and another in-given not fully up to task to be the "RocknRolla" actor Toby Kebbell, who has some strong beats with piercing eyes and pencil, yet does not own the role of Johnny Quid, which makes the movie produced by Joel Silver before him and director Guy Ritchie took on more serious business with the two fulfilling "Sherlock Holmes" genre variations at Warner Bros. Pictures working from season 2008/2009 to Winter 2011.© 2017 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)
SteveResin It's not a badly made film. It has a decent cast and some of the music is pretty cool. Sadly this isn't enough to rescue it from tedium. It's basically just the same old same old from Guy Ritchie again, a reworking of Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, all cockney "geezers" and gangsters "having it large" and speaking in a cool way that nobody on Earth has ever spoken like. It has the clichéd Russian gangsters, the "salt of the earth" villains who destroy peoples lives but hey, they look after each others Mums, so you know, they're Saints really in Ritchie's gross fantasy.Absolutely nobody in the film is remotely likable, it plays to the usual movie tropes of glamorizing drugs or at the least making junkies seem comedic. The central villain played by a miscast Tom Wilkinson is brought down for the crime of "grassing" on various lowlifes and scumbags. Really? This is meant to be a bad thing? The Rocknrolla of the title is his stepson, a musician turned crackhead who is completely odious but is of course presented as witty and "cool" because he listens to The Clash. Do me a favour.Ritchie should have stuck with Madonna, at least you knew you'd be served up utter dreck that way. He strikes me as a one trick pony whose films have deteriorated in quality over time to the point of absolute drudgery.
serafinogm Where is the sequel Mr. Ritchie? I'm about to give up however you promised a sequel! I know the RocknRolla gross wasn't overwhelming but I don't think you lost money and you've die hard fans that sorely want that cast reassembled for another go around (except of course the rat). If you wait much longer it probably won't be possible. For all you guys out there that like Ritchie gangster movies over Scorsese gangster movies (don't get me wrong Goodfellas was great but the characters were sociopaths/psychopaths and the violence was over the top). Guy brings palatable violence to the table in a thoroughly enjoyable vehicle! I've watched Goodfellas once and was impressed but never felt inclined to revisit but I've seen RocknRolla at least 10 times and now I've it memorized and I need fresh material Mr. Ritchie! Oh by the way I wouldn't mind seeing Thandie again, but that's probably not possible! Didn't give it 10 stars as the material just didn't seem to warrant it despite my enjoyment!
blanche-2 Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson, Thandie Newton, Idris Elba, Tom Hardy, Jeremy Piven, and Tony Kebbell star in "RocknRolla," a Guy Ritchie film from 2008.Wilkinson plays Lenny Cole, a London mobster into illegal real estate transactions. He's currently working with the Russians, in particular a developer, Uri Omovich. Omovich loans Cole his "lucky painting," which is actually quite valuable. However, the painting is stolen.Cole's men are dispatched to find it. Meanwhile, three small-time crooks who call themselves The Wild Bunch, steal money for the Russian's accountant (Newton). This keeps Wilkinson from making an important deal, but he promises to get the money.A drug-addicted rocker, Johnny Quid, is reported dead from drowning. Turns out he has important information.Excellent performances all around, with Wilkinson playing a man tough and mean as dirt, capable of anything to get what he wants. The Wild Bunch are all great and contribute much to this story of betrayal, disloyalty, and mistrust that somehow manages to also be funny.Then there is Johnny Quid. Toby Kebbell is amazing, and that's all I'll say. A brilliant performance. I liked the way the plots came together and how the film managed to have so much humor when parts were, in fact, violent. There are some great scenes - I particularly loved the first 7 million pound robbery, and the huge chase scene that went on and on.Well worth seeing.