R | 11 March 2008 (USA)
Outpost Trailers

In a seedy bar in a town ravaged by war, scientist and businessman Hunt hires mercenary and former Royal Marine D.C. to assemble a crack team of ex-soldiers to protect him on a dangerous journey into no-man's land. Their mission is to scope out an old military bunker in Eastern Europe. It should be easy – 48 hours at the most. Lots of cash for little risk. Or so he says...

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Jamie Rodgers This was a surprisingly good film , had enough suspense to keep you entertained. I expected a low budget corny film. The reality was much better than i expected , decent cast , good acting with a fairly strong story to match most horror/ thriller films . All in all it's worth watching if you enjoy them sort of films . The film is based in a bunker during a civil war , so again that's something to account for before you watch . Other than that , an overall good film. I'm hoping the follow up films from this are as good. Don't expect to be blown away but you will probably be pleasantly surprised. Happy watching :)
Boba_Fett1138 This movie is a case of; the premise is being more awesome than the actual movie. I don't know what it is but war movies involving occult elements and in this particular case also zombies, always keep disappointing me, while I still have faith in it that one day a great movie about it will get made! Don't really know or understand what the film-makers were aiming. Guess they tried to be more than just an average, silly horror flick, with zombies in it. They did so by trying to make the story something convincing and by building up things very slowly. But we all know that at some point this movie is going to turn into a zombie flick anyway, so why even bother? Besides, in essence the movie and also its story never surpass the level of a B-movie, so it's actually only annoying that the movie tries to be way more than it in fact truly is.Especially the pace and buildup of the movie is being quite frustrating. For the longest time, there is absolutely nothing happening. So please don't go watch this movie expecting lots of zombie awesomeness or different type of action. the movie obviously didn't had the budget or knowhow, for any of that. there is also very little, which is another disappointing about the movie.They at least tried to provide the movie with some cool characters and developments, for all of them but I still can't really say that the movie has any true great or likable enough characters in it. I honestly can't remember any of their names and I also can't really say that any of them had a good and distinctive personality. In other words, I just couldn't care quite enough for any of them, which also made me far from feeling involved with this movie.It's definitely not being the worst that the genre has to offer but I still can't really call it a good enough or very recommendable movie either.5/10 http://bobafett1138.blogspot.nl/
Gareth Andrews I have seen this movie countless times now and still find it brilliant. The acting makes for a worth while movie and I think the budget may not have been big but was well spent and added feeling to all the right parts. As for the plot, I have studied physics and can say that even for someone who knows about physics the plot was quite easy to understand and explained everything perfectly from their "abilities" to the way they go about their objectives (for those commenting about how they change from super strong to super weak, there are one of two likely options. 1 they started using scare tactics then went for an all out assault (much like in war) and 2 is as they materialised more and more from the fields the less power they had and therefore the greater the distance to the machine they required to appearI am awaiting the second movie in keen anticipation and hope that it matches with the high standards of this movie!
atinder Before I start talking about this movie I did see Dead Snow about this time last year, I just Saw this movie few hours ago. I was thinking they were going to have the same kinda of plot but they didn't.Now back this movie Set in war-torn Eastern Europe, a band of battle- worn mercenaries undertake a dangerous mission into a no-man's land at the behest of a mysterious businessman. When they locate and secure a disused military bunker, they also discover a terrifying secret that has laid buried for half a century--and which they'll have to fight to survive. Outpost has more of a story, more suspense, and some really good acting but a not lot of Ghost/Zombie action in this movie.Talking about Ghost/Zombies were creepy at the start of the movie, when they come and go out of blue but we don't get see the face until half away into the movie, i think the make up effect was really good.The ending was really disappointing did not like how this movie ended at all. I saw few good review for this on horror site, I thought this movie would have been much better then it was!5 out of 10