Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead
NR | 26 December 2006 (USA)
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead Trailers

When the American Chicken Bunker, a military themed fast food restaurant, builds its latest chain restaurant on the site of an ancient Native American burial ground, the displaced spirits take revenge on unsuspecting diners and transform them into chicken zombies! Now, it’s up to a dimwitted counter boy, his collegiate lesbian ex-girlfriend and a burqa-wearing fry cook to put an end to the foul feathered menace once and for all.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Micitype Pretty Good
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
timwaters This film was a complete waste of my life. It wasn't even so bad that it was good, it was worse than that. If you want a terrible movie that entertains then you've got to be looking at Megashark Vs Giant Octopus - this will provide all the low-budget thrills you need without wanting to throw up in seconds. Particular low-lights include a man's testicles being deep fried, the singing set pieces and the use of a broomstick as a penis. Oh, and let's not forget the exploding feces guy - that sucked too. This film had no redeeming features; even the lesbians looked like washed out crack junkies barely on the road to recovery. In fact, I watched this film in Canada and somehow this made Canada seem a little seedier and darker than it had before. No more Tim Horton's for me. I hate this film.
siderite The movie is in the same time gory, funny, stupid, musical (complete with dance routines), offensive, gross , racist and it features Ron Jeremy in a cameo. It's what you get when you build a chicken fast food on an Native American burial ground in Tromaville.You have to understand that I just had to watch it all. I knew it was sick, but I did it anyway. I rated it 3 stars because the musical scenes annoyed me, otherwise I would have rated it 2, that is: so bad it is worth watching.Truth be told, the movie had great potential for fun, I was in a continued state of disgust but with a happy smile on my face at the same time. However, the jokes almost turned into one of those Scary Movie kind and that potential was partially lost.It is not with zombie chickens, but people zombies with chicken attributes. It is not really a horror movie, but a parody. It is what you would get for crossing American Pie with Poltergeist, Scary Movie and a political movie against fast food chains. Damn effective, too. I can't imagine anyone actually eating chicken after they saw this film. You will find yourselves unconsciously ordering veal or pork and not know why :)Bottom line: could have been better, but who am I kidding? They never went for quality here. Had some good jokes amongst a lot of average to bad ones.
Argemaluco It is impossible to describe the movies from the studio Troma Films to the people who have never experienced the sensory aggression provoked by the combination of amateur enthusiasm, technical ineptitude and grotesque humor offered by films like Terror Firmer, Tromeo & Juliet, Class of Nuke'em High and the saga of The Toxic Avenger (composed by four films so far).This legendary studio has made of its filmography an ode to the bad taste, political in-correction and nudeness.In other words, there are not any taboos for Troma Films, and even though its director (corporative and film) Lloyd Kaufman is not tired of classifying his movies as "art" (ironically, I hope so), it is obvious that his main intention is making us laugh, showing us scenes of a very bad taste and maybe making us to think a little bit in between.Or maybe Kaufman takes his art too seriously, and he is the blindest director to his own incompetence.But I am sure it is not like that.Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead is the 10th "Tromatic" film from Kaufman, and I have to admit this is the most ambitious and polished film from the studio.By "ambitious", I wanna say it has more special effects, more extras and more nudeness.Anyway, like most of the Troma films, I found Poultrygesit to be a fascinating experience, although I am perfectly conscient it is not a movie for everyone.What I mostly appreciated in this film is that it uses its story to bring a genuine message about North American obsession with fast food.I truly appreciated to see that there was a real purpose behind the stylistic and visual excesses.And when I mean "excesses", I am talking about things that even director and screenwriter John Waters would consider as bad taste.For example, there is a scene showing a fat man defecating...shown from the lavatory's point of view.I liked Poultrygeist very much, and I found it to be an excellent example of authentic independent cinema.However, I perfectly understand why some people may hate this movie and consider it as a precursor of the Apocalypse, and that is what makes it difficult to recommend.In summary, this is definitely not a film for everyone.
lastliberal Those who are familiar with Troma would not be in the least surprised that lesbians, vegetarians, Muslims, fast-food joints, mega-corporations, Mexicans, Native Americans, Gays, and fat people would all be parodied and dissed.Add zombies, lots of vomit, lots of blood, sex with chicken carcasses, cannibalism, decapitations, and a bathroom completed covered in shite after a visit from Jared. And, yeah, the things they did with the deep fat fryer and meat slicing machine. Ugh! Lets not forget that there are way more breasts in the film that in a dozen buckets of the Colonel's chicken.With homage to Day of the Dead, Aliens, and other, and lots of double entendres, it was so disgusting, it was hilarious.Jason Yachanin and Kate Graham were great in their first film.