Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival
Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival
| 29 March 2016 (USA)
Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival Trailers

Lucifer incites Heaven’s wrath by dispatching train cars of condemned souls a-crashin’ through the pearly gates. As God plots to put an end to the rebellious deeds, a fable is told, and the midway gets set for a fateful reunion between God’s Agent and Hell’s Painted Doll, promising to make sinner and saint alike scream Alleluia!

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Micitype Pretty Good
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
michael_hasbun I was so glad I got to see this in NYC! Incredible movie with a wonderfully imaginative cast of characters. A captivating story taking place in a thoroughly interesting universe. And the soundtrack! This soundtrack, along with the soundtrack from the first movie, and the soundtrack from Repo! The genetic Opera are CD's 4, 5, and 6 in my cars CD changer respectively =o) I cannot WAIT until the next one. The story has me thoroughly hooked. The characters are so alive, and you can't help but care what happens to them. The relationships between characters make it difficult to fixate on any one side, as both sides of the conflict have very interesting story arcs..
capawlaks-56797 You will not be disappointed! The new characters really brought a solid story & strong history to The Devil's Carnival (Part I)! The music was as good as ever! Thrilling to watch! I am already waiting for Part 3! The producers and directors have a certain knack of showing you (of expressing to the viewers/sinners) how these Aesop fables come to life and show you how the majority REALLY have things upside down. What a ride -- it is a way of riding out one's days to the fullest -- not by words in a fictitious book. From the very beginning to the very end -- I was engaged. I loved hearing the audiences reactions to certain songs & to some very powerful lines -- particularly from Lucifer -- as always!
zootsgirl15 the first film was so unique and incredible and this one is no different! From the music to the sets to the costumes, this film is an amazing work of art with incredibly dedicated and talented cast and crew. We are brought into heaven and given an insight into God and the back and forth fighting between himself and Lucifer. All cast gave incredible performances. The most striking were God, Lucifer, and the agent. The translators brought a twisted comedy relief and were the perfect mix of funny but also terrifying. And June was the most relatable. Full of ambition and hope and a little bit of mischief she was one of my favorite characters. Being introduced to heaven was fun but also being reintroduced to hell and new hellish characters was amazing! The wait was worth it and I can not wait to watch it again and again!
KevinlyJester I will admit, I wasn't sure where this one was going to go, but the creators delivered! The film has a longer running time, but still paces like the first, which helps diminish the 3 year gap between the two films. I was excitedly tapping (or stomping) my feet to the songs as the musical numbers came up. Like the first, I loved the characters and loved the story. If you are a fan of any of the performers and crew involved, or you loved musicals, this movie is for you, ESPECIALLY if you loved the first episode. Can't wait to see it again and again! Correction, can't wait to EXPERIENCE it again and again! Reviewing the movie here almost seems unfair. TDC was created to be experienced and consumed, not just watched!