A Hard Day's Night
A Hard Day's Night
G | 11 August 1964 (USA)
A Hard Day's Night Trailers

Capturing John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr in their electrifying element, 'A Hard Day's Night' is a wildly irreverent journey through this pastiche of a day in the life of The Beatles during 1964. The band have to use all their guile and wit to avoid the pursuing fans and press to reach their scheduled television performance, in spite of Paul's troublemaking grandfather and Ringo's arrest.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
GazerRise Fantastic!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
willeasyer I really love this band you can't imagine how much. the Beatles are a big influence in my life and this since I discovered their music 5 years ago and you can't believe how thrilled I was while watching this movie. and It's not because of its realization, it had an average directing and production nor because it had a profound, multifaceted scenario or story, that's not what this movie is about nor what it's trying to achieve. what A hard day's night's attempting to do is give you an impression of this huge thing that is the Beatles, more essentially when they're not making music, and being normal goofy young men, it feels like being close to and hanging with them. and that's the reason I loved it since I was born ages after the band split and John died, and I was too young to remember Georges the only Beatles I caught up with are Ringo and Paul. so this movie really gives you a rendition of them and who they were. Plus that's not the main reason I liked it, the movie is full of wittiness and funny lines, and some subliminally smutty writing, not the one you'd expect from an early 60's movie and the band did a good job acting they were spontaneous and very attachable and the photography is enchanting and even if you get a little lost at the start because the story goes nowhere at the end it makes up for it with a great presence from the quartet and some transcendent music .
merelyaninnuendo A Hard Day's NightAs much as light and breezy the concept is, the characters are chewed off way too much that just as the premise, the audience too starts to feel the heat of this hectic day that the characters are having. Alyn Owen's gripping screenplay keeps the audience engaged for around 90 minutes where the art works not only just for the fans but for general viewers too. The director; Richard Lester, has done an amazing job on depicting the "behind the stage" drama and the work that goes through in here. The performance is something that could have improved a lot but still the actors have done quite a nice job even though isn't justified to the script. A Hard Day's Night is a writer's feature for if not the fans of The Beetles, the only thing the viewers will take home from it, is its witty conversation and humorous lines.
TxMike I watched this on the HULU channel via my ROKU stick. Great fun to see the Beatles in their very early days.I was a teenager in 1963 to 1965, the years when the Beatles made their big splash here in the States. I remember their splash very well although I never became a big fan. Their music is pleasant with nice harmonies but nothing I ever got excited over. This was likely filmed in 1963, or maybe very early 1964, when Lennon was maybe 22, McCartney was maybe 21, Harrison was maybe 20, and Starr was maybe 23. When you see them in this movie they look quite young indeed and they act like kids. It is very refreshing to see them before they were as big as they ultimately became.They are all from Liverpool and, except for Lennon, from Merseyside. I recall back then hearing "Ferry Cross the Mersey" by Gerry and the Pacemakers and I had no idea what it was about. Now I know it is about the River Mersey, the lifeblood of Liverpool. In a similar manner Lennon's "Strawberry Fields Forever", my personal favorite Beatles recording, was inspired by Lennon's memories of playing in the garden of Strawberry Field, a Salvation Army children's home near where he grew up in Liverpool. Point being as a kid growing up in the States I heard the lyrics but had no idea what their connections were, later in life and with great use of Google searches I know a lot more!This little movie is a contrived, humorous story about their journey by train from Liverpool to London for a recording session and a performance. There are lots of hijinks but magically everyone arrives just in the nick of time. Nice little movie to understand how much fun these kids were able to have on the cusp of turning into an international sensation.The Beatles are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.
TheDragonDane The Beatles have made a huge impact in music history. This was basically a film capitalizing on their success. Sadly aside from the classic songs played throughout....This is one annoying movie. First thing is…. The Beatles can't act at all. They phone in every line of dialogue and don't care whatsoever. Oh and the entire point of the movie is them not caring about their career and goofing off. The Beatles end up coming off as unlikable, egotistical, and annoying while being jerks to the people around them.... that's the movie.Its okay to have little plot for a music movie. And to be honest I never really cared that much for their music. But when the songs play in the movie…The "story" doesn't progress… It's like the movie is on pause. But the thing is without the music this wouldn't have been successful in the slightest. The movie then goes into a pattern of them goofing off then performing a song........They just preform then goof off, preform, then goof off... And...That's pretty much it!!The goofing off scenes happen with vandalism and harassment they even have the cops chase them at the end of the movie. Sure some good role models!And at the end there's a good 10 minutes of them performing the songs they ALREADY sung earlier in the film. And after that, it ends, making me feel incredibly cheated.I really didn't like this one. Go watch Yellow Submarine instead… or just listen to the album…. Then you don't have to wait though the annoying goofing off bits in between....The fans in the movie were annoying too.