The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski
R | 06 March 1998 (USA)
The Big Lebowski Trailers

Jeffrey 'The Dude' Lebowski, a Los Angeles slacker who only wants to bowl and drink White Russians, is mistaken for another Jeffrey Lebowski, a wheelchair-bound millionaire, and finds himself dragged into a strange series of events involving nihilists, adult film producers, ferrets, errant toes, and large sums of money.

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Steineded How sad is this?
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
prince_vlad After seeing this movie i sat and think abit if I saw a movie or I starred at a garbage can which was stinking the more you stayed near it. The movie seems like one in whcih important roles are held by no name actors and the insignificant by the best one (Bridges, Moore, Buscemi, Goodman). What do you get ? Three losers, one more loser than the next one, are playing big boys, except the part where they were supposed to look like big boye. They look like embarrasment walkers and nothing more. I wondered how the hell Bridges could accept such an idiot script. It's a lost of time. Man I saw bad movies but this one takes the cake.
Master FX Master ZX For a misunderstanding a man loses his rug, makes a deal to help a wealthy man in order to have it back. Ended up getting in more trouble that is need it.This is one of those movies that I had an enormous curiosity to see, since everyone was telling me that it was good movie, and a few minority telling me that is a stupid overrated one. So I finally watch it and... it's fun, that´s about it. I haven't had this much fun watching a movie in recent years.The performances are all great, Jeff Bridges sells it as "The Dude", iI get why people like the character, I love John Goodman. I kind of like the use of Steve Buscemi and the Sam Elliott´s cameo. The characters are all very likeable, very distinct with their own ideals which most of them contradict themselves oddly enough.Sure the plot again is very simple, but not entirely predictable, I was always wondering where the story was going to go. We go around from one weird character to another and of course, those dream sequences, I had the WTF look on them.I also love the scenery, as someone who has lived in LA, this quite how it is, with some "fantasy" touch, it reminded me of other movies with more realistic approach to LA like Drive and Nightcrawler against your La La Land for example.If it's a real masterpiece or not is still something I need to analyze it for a few more time, but I can finally see what drives people nuts for this movie.
Eric Stevenson I'm going to say that this is the best movie I've reviewed for Channel Awesome Month. It's constantly referenced by the Nostalgia Critic obviously and a ton of other people. What makes this movie so great is that there's so much going on and yet in the end it's mostly pointless. Actually, it's worse than that. Things are probably worse off now that Donnie is dead and he even dies from something that isn't even related to the main conflict of the story. But you know what? We had a great time while it was going on. Movies like "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" are ultimately pointless, but that doesn't mean we're not entertained like mad while the movie was going. This movie tells the story of a guy named Lebowski or "The Dude" who meets a rich guy also called Lebowski. He's the Big Lebowski and he wants the Dude to rescue his wife. I didn't even realize Philip Seymour Hoffman was in this movie. We have such a fantastic cast with Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, and Julianne Moore. This is one of the most profane movies ever made with 260 f-words (although I only counted 258, I knew I lost my count a few times). They even manage to play with that. There are many four minute segments that feature no swearing at all to emphasis the more dramatic tone here. I guess it's ironic that the most beloved sports movie of all time happens to be one about bowling, not much of a competitive sport. It's truly heartwarming when The Stranger talks to us at the very end. He says that even though things were mostly bad for the dude, at least he can keep a positive attitude and if nothing else, live the life he wants to. Yeah, this is Steve Buscemi's best movie (I recently saw "Reservoir Dogs") and John Goodman's best too. ****
maclock If The Big Lebowski is a comedy, then why did it fail to make me laugh out loud? Sure, I chuckled at one scene that I can recall, but on the whole, it didn't make me laugh and I didn't find it to be all that funny. While The Big Lebowski may be a big hit with some, it wasn't with me. Pass.