Jackie Brown
Jackie Brown
R | 25 December 1997 (USA)
Jackie Brown Trailers

Jackie Brown is a flight attendant who gets caught in the middle of smuggling cash into the country for her gunrunner boss. When the cops try to use Jackie to get to her boss, she hatches a plan — with help from a bail bondsman — to keep the money for herself.

Wordiezett So much average
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
VasilisGak Jackie Brown is probably the least Tarantin-esque film ever written or directed by Quentin Tarantino, mostly due to its chronological order of storytelling and lack of explicit violence. That said, it still retains many of his unique writing and directing features that have created such a large fanbase over the years. All in all, a concrete and coherent story of mischief, crafty schemes, punchy dialogue and well-delivered closure, Jackie Brown has rightfully achieved classic status and its many virtues keep it entirely watchable, more than 20 years after its initial release.
Pjtaylor-96-138044 'Jackie Brown (1997)' is plot-heavy but occasionally meandering, one of the only Tarantino flicks to be based on pre-existing material - which is probably why it contains more of a story than most of his other work. At times, it is too complex for its own good and long stretches of the piece are marred by seeming unimportance, but there is decent character work here and several stand-out scenes that make it worthwhile viewing. 7/10
sergelamarche A Tarantino that is less comic book and almost romantic. Good acting, good action and a slow burn thrill that does not abate even after the end. Why? Because we know that stealing huge wad of mob money can't be good for long.
Shuichi Fujinuma While it may not have as many bodies hitting the floor as pulp fiction or kill bill this story was more subtle and believable than any other Tarantino film I've ever watched. I wouldn't normally give such a high rating for a film but I wanted to reward this movie for not having one thing that really bugged me or that I felt was just terrible or out of place. This film keeps getting better every time I watch it and that's something (at least to me) worth holding on to. I understand every movie isn't for everyone but if you're a fan of Tarantino, Blaxploitation films or any of the principle actors I would say this movie is at least worth 45 minutes of your time. If you can watch that much and it doesn't pique you interest then fair enough.