The Ghost Writer
The Ghost Writer
PG-13 | 12 February 2010 (USA)
The Ghost Writer Trailers

A writer stumbles upon a long-hidden secret when he agrees to help former British Prime Minister Adam Lang complete his memoirs on a remote island after the politician's assistant drowns in a mysterious accident.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
jontaylor-50306 I was really looking forward to this film given the cast and director. Two hours of my life I will never get back. Pedestrian plot with no real tension. Direction which came close to being a parody. And the most wooden and uncomfortable acting imaginable. Nobody involved can have been happy with the outcome.
dirtphelia There will be big spoilers in this review, but given how awful this movie is, you'll probably be thankful you didn't waste your time watching it to find out for yourself. I was looking for movies about writers and figured what the hey. Well, let me tell you: this movie sucks!!! Firstly, the writer gets hired to finish a book another writer was writing when he died. This implies the book was not finished, however, the manuscript is complete so very early in the movie it's clear that the movie makes no sense. If a manuscript is finished you need an editor, not a writer.When all signs point to the first writer being murdered, what does new writer do? Follow in the footsteps of dead writer, narrowly escaping his own death by not hiding at all from the hit men, then call a random number he found among the effects of dead writer. It just so happens that the person whose phone that is wants to save him.Writer talks about his suspicions with all the people who obviously had something to do with the initial writer's supposed murder, except they don't murder him.And the biggest spoiler and let down: he finds out the big secret in the end and guess what, he just happens to walk into the street and get hit by a car, so nobody ever finds out what he knew. Like, seriously.To top it off, the sound is terrible. Talking is at a level 2 while all sound effects are at a level 15.What crap.
jnfaulk I have never written a review before but after spending 30 mins flabbergasted reading reviews for this thing and only finding 1 review that had the same question as me i had to... how in the hell are people reviewing this movie so overwhelmingly positive? Not just like "good movie" - which it was definitely not - but things like "one for the ages" "perfect movie" "hooked from start to finish"...... HUH? Is this like a practice joke? Like some Internet troll where hundreds of people decided to spoof review just to F with strangers? I understand with some movies how people can like them and I have a different opinion. I can see reasons for them liking said movie and I can understand why we disagree. But I am absolutely stunned by the reviews here... some of the shots are pretty I suppose. in a dreary, dark, colorless, monotonous way.. but beyond that I saw nothing thrilling, suspenseful, entertaining. I saw no reason to care about any of the characters or what happens to them. And the ending? Is that supposed to be some shocking twist? It's crazy cuz I read critic reviews on rotten too and it was the same thing. Roger ebert or whatever 4 out of 4. Huh? I don't know.. I pride myself in life in being able to figure things out that confuse me.. having an understanding on why a thing is a certain way even if I don't see it that way.. this is something that I'm not going to be able to solve. How this movie earned such incredible reviews is the single greatest mystery of my life.
Afaf Sydra So the bad thing about this movie, is that the surprise at the end, or the solution of the mystery, isn't that surprising after all. I mean it's not like I trusted any of the characters/politicians in this movie (or in real life either). So when Ruth turns out to be a CIA agent and kills her husband(I guess) and the ghostwriter, it's not even unexpected. I really hated the cold decor, London was the only beautiful place shown in the movie. The actors played their roles very well, but of course the ghostwriter kept making all the bad decisions knowing he wasn't backed by anyone/anything powerful, I just wonder how he had the guts to keep chasing the bad guys, and why did he keep threatening them. That was so stupid and of course would lead to his eventual and most certain death.