Sister My Sister
Sister My Sister
R | 23 June 1995 (USA)
Sister My Sister Trailers

A true story of shocking violence catapults a picturesque little town into history. The close sibling relationship between the two maids takes on a new dimension as their overbearing employer discovers a sexual fever between the two sisters.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
sdillon-5 what a brilliant film. every moment is just dripping with the heat of it. every drop of water from the tap intensifies as the story persists and comes, all at once and with some ferocity, to it's apex.jodhi may is stunning. joely richardson is breath-taking and frightening. you come to understand them and to... well, to like them. julie walters and sophie thursfield provide some comical relief as the madame and her daughter isabelle. their interactions with one another are strikingly bourgeoisie, but equally as maddening as each little minutia of their day is brought to an extreme. bravo to the makers of this will stay with me for days, if not weeks, if not a lifetime.
by-tor-2 It could be said that good acting is that which requires a minimum of words to convey its idea or stir up the viewer's emotions. In this way, Jodhi May has proven herself as an astounding actress. Meek, yet passionate in her role as a sweet repressed sister, she steals the show with a third the dialogue of her costars. The movie demonstrates how facile the wealthy can be in their overestimation of the subservient's tolerance for callousness and mistreatment. This is a quiet movie that seems to soak in the sound around its viewing space like air through a partially open door---a phantom moving silent through the room, but not without leaving its indelible footprints behind.
Brian-268 This otherwise ponderous, arty pic is saved (but just barely) by some enthusiastic lesbian scenes between the two appealing leads. A hothouse atmosphere prevails, but the guilty pleasure is offset somewhat by arch performances and a good amount of scenery chewing. Numbingly dull and pointless in places, the film murks its way to a preposterous and over-the-top climax that sets a new standard in pretentious portent. The film clobbers the audience over the head in the most ridiculously blatant manner with its psychological interplay, which at times comes embarrassingly close to the level of tedious undergrad productions.However the forbidden ardor between the sisters is just enough to make this a worthwhile selection for those who like that kind of thing. Brittle feminists will probably also enjoy it.
badattit This is a great film for oppressed workers. We who toil daily can't help but identify with the two sisters, trapped, terrified of being fired, with only one another to turn to. Their revenge is terrible, but also, in a twisted sort of way,understandable. Besides being a beautifully acted film with a sustained mood of wonder mixed with dread, Sister My Sister explores taboo subjects: incest, lesbianism, and worker revenge. I have frequently recommended this movie to friends, and everyone of them has loved it!