PG-13 | 17 April 2014 (USA)
Transcendence Trailers

Two leading computer scientists work toward their goal of Technological Singularity, as a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.

Steineded How sad is this?
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
cleliacometothebeach It is likely the most wonderful movie I've ever seen.Both the scripts and the effects were amazing.
robbierehman As scientists are on the verge of a new breakthrough in A.I. technology, the line between Humanity & Humanity's evolving into something much more is clearly waning.Though the movie doesn't show too much of the potential of an AI, but it does show us a lot of perspective and views on the idea, and what misunderstanding and doubt could lead to. That's where fear of AI originates.If a intelligence such showed in the Transcendence is made, no amount of human effort can alter the course of it; that's final. And in actuality the process is already going on, just look around you.
Kirpianuscus ...and nothing more. this is the basic virtue and the fundamental sin of this good intentioned film. something missing, something becomes just an improvisation and the basic idea is sacrifide for good looking images, tricks with technology, mix of science and emotions and Jonny Depp reduced at his presence. and, after its end, the only good thing remains the idea of the first part. so, difficult to say a bad film, less for good intentions, and only a film like many others, ambitious as intentions, not brilliant as result.
HooplaTec Greetings,With so many great production values and the overall "what if" scenario the script is about, I wanted to comment a little. A few of many moments that could have been written better. Lots of ending spoilers if you haven't seen it. Don't read further etc if you happen to come across my post first. Go for it after seeing the movie. You smile maybe.Martin the contractor (Clifton Collins Jr) gets shot in the tunnel after they trapped him behind the metal screen, AKA a Faraday Cage to prevent RF/WIFI communications, thus the naans could not regenerate him. So why not TASER him instead of shooting eventually leading to his death? More dramatic I suppose making the 'good guys' look really bad for fear of the unknown. Maybe that anything at all costs mentality was what they were going for. But that's for a '50s B movie which a lot of the reviewers went for. A TASER then a drug to keep him unconscious would have said, "OK, we've got a big problem but will save humans when we can". That would have added a little more humanity to the good guys making their cause more understandable as well as believable.Bree the terrorist girl (Kate Mera) threatens to kill the virus guy Max (Paul Bettany) unless Will (Johnny Depp) took the virus. Later Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) says to Will, "We can't let him die for what we did". I get it but really detracted from an outstanding ending. The whole point was all the knowledge of an exceptional human combined with the unlimited resources of worldwide computer capabilities could not understand the abstracts of love, emotions and human frailties thus will take over the planet and pretty much make us all Borgs! So shoot first and ask questions later! We're back to a B movie with great state-of-the art visuals. Heck, Data (Brent Spiner) with his emotions chip had to suffer through this with ST:TNG for years! They are doing great in syndication!What made the ending outstanding was the relationship between Will and Evelyn. Why did Will (the computer version) touch the blood of Evelyn thus the virus knowing it would end him? It certainly wasn't about Bree. The writers also went for a later explanation Will wanting to be together forever with Evelyn in a garden. Evelyn felt in her final moments that the live Will she knew and loved was there. Not a bad way to go.Thus it leaves the audience hanging and thinking. Can a computer in our future ever learn to love? Would it know the difference for regenerating the planet for all our human failures and still allow humans find their way? Would humans at our current level take advantage of these new technologies for their own goals? This is great writing and Isaac Asimov, Robert Henlein and a few others would be proud.Someone once said there are only 200 scripts in Hollywood. They just keep doing them over. Too many producers today are more about a political or social point they want to make wanting you to pay big money to see them. Ever seen a great positive movie about a Republican President in Hollywood? Won't happen today. What is a great movie? I think the 1947 movie "Miracle on 34th Street" by 20th Century Fox which won several Academy awards should have won for best picture but didn't. Some trivial a Hollywood company it was their second movie ever filmed in NYC. They did well. Still it is played every Christmas and you'll have to look up the movie that won!I love 'what if' movies. Done right they are entertaining, give us the magic being immersed in the movie for two hours (versus our real lives), touch the emotions of hopefully ALL the audience and gives us something to wonder about leaving the theater. The more movies you see the more you add to this personal list. 'Transencence' while having flaws many have already posted about is one of these...but then that is me. You decide.Hope that I got all the actors right trying my best. One could rob a store I was in and if you weren't my mother I couldn't identify you! :)Regards