Brick Mansions
Brick Mansions
PG-13 | 25 April 2014 (USA)
Brick Mansions Trailers

In a dystopian Detroit, grand houses that once housed the wealthy are now homes of the city's most-dangerous criminals. Surrounding the area is a giant wall to keep the rest of Detroit safe. For undercover cop Damien Collier, every day is a battle against corruption as he struggles to bring his father's killer, Tremaine, to justice. Meanwhile, Damien and an ex-con named Lino work together to save the city from a plot to destroy it.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Michael Ledo In 2018, downtown Detroit becomes a walled in a four foot wall. The Mayor wants to move the people out and build a place for rich people. Meanwhile Lino (David Belle) in a subplot is thwarting drug dealers as a vigilante. Detective Collier (Paul Walker) is also fighting against the bad guys downtown, while other cops are on the take.Lino's ex-gf (Catalina Denis) gets kidnapped by the bad guys who also jack a vehicle with a suitcase neutron bomb now on a countdown. Collier has to go get the bomb that just happened to be strolling around the walled in city in a vehicle, something he is not smart enough to question until someone points it out to him how odd is the state of events.The plot was all over the place and uneven. It appears Walker's dad was killed and he was looking for the culprit, but not that hard. David Belle had the best fight moves highlighted early on...i.e urban acrobatics. There was also a grindhouse cat fight. It is hard to imagine this botched screenplay was done by the same guy who did quality work like "Fifth Element" and "Transporter."And you can't help but notice that in this film Paul Walker crashes his vehicle at 80-90+ mph and survives because he wore a seat belt.Action with no substance. Appears to be overrated by Paul Walker fans moved by his untimely death.Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
xamtaro REVIEW BRICK MANSIONSA city in chaos. Gangs have overpowered law and order in the sprawling Detroit neighbourhood known as Brick Mansions. When matters got out of hand, the authorities walled off the entire section of the city, abandoning all those who still lived there to the mercy of the drug dealing gang lord played by The RZA. A massive spoiler at the start of the movie shows how Detroit mayors never learned anything since ROBOCOP and still intends to demolish a poverty stricken neighbourhood instead of giving it the help it needs. Caught in this lawless walled off town is Lino, the scowling anti-hero. Instead of being a grand theft auto criminal with a bald head and deep voice, Leitto is a super-agile parkour expert with unlimited stamina. In trouble with the gang, Lino is double-crossed and imprisoned against his will with his girlfriend held hostage. In the meantime, the gang has gotten their hands on a bomb which they intend to launch into Detroit if their demands are not met. The solution? Send in Paul Walker who plays the exact same character in the Fast and Furious Franchise (A Cop with a vendetta and a forgettable name), to diffuse the bomb. Coincidence! Paul Walker has a vendetta against RZA. Coincidence! Thanks to that massive spoiler scene, most of the audience knows what the bomb is actually for (hint hint: Robocop 3) thus negating the climatic twist. Coincidence! We all know that Paul Walker will team up with our Anti-Hero the same way he has done with Vin Diesel's character in Fast and Furious franchise. Not big surprise. So with all these predictable story points, any revelation or twist is rendered ineffective. There is no surprise and neither is there much wit to the narrative. A faithful remake of the french action film "DISTRICT 13", this movie wastes its actors by typecasting them in overly familiar roles and stereotypes. Paul Walker is Brian O'Connor with a different name. RZA is the typical African American quirky gangster boss. Lino is just there for the parkour. The female characters are just eye candy. On the flip side, BRICK MANSIONS plays safe by giving audiences what they expect. Light on plot or characterisation, but heavy on action. From one fast paced chase to another, from frantic fights to perilous parkour stunts, the action pace never lets up and never gets bogged down by too much talking. The stunts are the true highlight of this movie, having been purportedly performed without stuntmen or visual effects. Director Camille Delamare brings a rapid hand-held, yet reasonably steady, style to his camera-work. He pulls back on the close-ups to feature the action in its full shot glory with minimal cuts. Essentially exactly like his work on DISTRICT 13. Some say that BRICK MANSIONS was an unnecessary remake. It is at its core DISTRICT 13 re-shot in Canada in English language. To me it is a fun little romp; one of those movies where the brain does no work. Just one action scene to the next, one eye candy to the next, barely held together by a contrived story that ends so laughably.
Arne District 13 is a great movie! This is a wannabe copy. I don't mind copying movies to reach a broader audience, but somehow this movie fails to capture the details that made the original movie great.The beginning scene where Belle escapes had less wow-factor than D13, and the music was way off. The scene was ruined. This is occurring throughout the movie.It might be the director, I won't point fingers, but D13 director also made Taken, the director of Brick Mansion made Taken 2, just saying.It should be mentioned that the acting is way off too. The main villain is good, the mains (Belle, Walker) are decent, but so many of the side characters horribly acted. Without exaggeration I have seen student films with way better acting.In short: Avoid at all cost if you can bear subtitles/know french ;)
jeffreyliberty OK everyone repeat with me ... "NO MORE SUPER SHAKY GRAINY CAM". This is nothing but a cheap way to try and do action scenes and it takes us back almost 100 years in technical expertise and film making.The only thing worse is the fake confetti explosions.What are they doing, making these films 8 frames a second digitally so there is less detail and easier to hide mistakes? The action scenes no longer have to be acted out because they are so shaky and grainy you can't see anything and only get a headache.Old Godzilla films are far more professional looking.If this is to be stopped we all need to make a big stink about it.