The Hoarder
The Hoarder
| 21 May 2015 (USA)
The Hoarder Trailers

Ella discovers a terrifying secret when she becomes trapped in an underground storage facility. To survive she must join forces with a group of strangers, each with something to hide.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
blue-flower-177 The usual storage unit horror, people getting trapped etc.. the acting is very poor, could have been made way more interesting
Mike LeMar What makes these hoarded people so scary and deadly with wired-shut mouths? We keep seeing them hovering over victims, apparently eating them, and how so? And what happens when the hoarder runs out of rooms to keep each individual in? As for the opening, no one, especially a girl, would just stay put holding up a lighter in the dark while her friend goes back to turn the lights back on.
ikeybabe This is your average kill 'em off one by one spooky movie. The premise was decent enough and the execution was adequate. I was entertained enough that I wanted to find out what happens at the end. The characters were mostly two dimensional - nagging ex, the weird flirting guy, paranoid girlfriend, sidekick girlfriend, shady cop and slacker storage worker. And there was that quirk with the cop and zero explanation as to why he kept forgetting everyone's name. The mouth-sewn-shut guy was quite creepy and I was actually surprised to learn who was doing all the hoarding. But now that I think about it, it wasn't that big of a surprise. Oh well. Overall, your average scary movie - watchable, but nothing to brag about.
Bradford Maxwell Let's start with what I liked about the movie: 1. The filming quality was better than B-rated. 2. The ending didn't leave it up to the viewer to determine what happened. 3. Mischa Barton finally gets what's coming to her for destroying the OC (I liked that show when I was 13)Here's what I didn't like: 1. Robert Knepper deserved a better death. Constantly changing camera angles cheapens the experience. 2. The villain turns out to be a pudgy, out of shape guy with an obnoxious accent. Not sure how he managed to look chubby in a baggy shirt but he pulled it off. And somehow this love handle suffering fiend that looks to be suffering from muscular dystrophy is able to overpower EVERYONE, even to the point where apparently he holds a victim upside down by the feet. Even more impressive, considering the hilarious way that he runs, he's able to catch up to his prey even though they took an elevator that had more than enough time to climb 3 or more flights of stairs. But I could be wrong. He could just be a fat guy with an intense cardio routine. 3. For a storage facility that looks to be fairly new and technologically advanced, they have the most inconvenient lighting system. (You'll see what I mean if you watch)All in all, I didn't think it was completely dreadful but I wouldn't watch it again or ever recommend it to a friend.