R | 25 September 2002 (USA)
Wishcraft Trailers

Brett is a high-school outcast who doesn't run with the in crowd, unlike Samantha, the cheerleader he has a desperate crush on. Then one day, he gets a parcel in the mail -- a totem with the power to grant his deepest, darkest desires. Brett wishes for Samantha to love him, and she does, although after a while her affection starts leaning toward obsession. Then murders start occurring in the school, which Brett gradually starts to connect to the totem.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
SanForZeke I watched this movie late at night. The concept sounded promising, you get your wishes, but there will be a price to pay. The price to pay, was paid by the victims of the killer, me, and everyone who saw it from start to finish and considered it garbage.SPOILERS: I should have heeded the first alarm when the "skull mask" was shown during the very first kill. I'd have preferred the faceless killer as long as possible.And it wasn't even a mythical force, just a psychopath teacher. I did sit through the movie, wondering why the "Grim Reaper" went after this person or that person with such.. 'mortal' means. Bowling balls? Samurai swords? (very subtle, the sword). And the movie lied to me. It claimed the popular people was being picked off one by one. Desiree was one the popular, I take it.As for the price the whining kid (already forgot his name, the main character) had to pay? Seemed he could care less about those who died, and probably wouldn't have cared until the killer made it clear he would go after main char's beloved Sam. Which brings me to the end of the movie.Couldn't Whiner have wished himself back in time, or that the totem never was found in the first place? Would have stopped the teacher, would it not? And as for Samantha.. seriously? Horror/comedy movie or not, I will not root for a guy that has sex with a girl when she's under a love spell of his (no matter how big jerks the rest of the ensemble turns out to be), and then gets her in the end. Apparently main char getting the girl on his own would be boring. Instead, we have a nice little love spell, sex (or a mental rape, if one could call it that, would she have done it without the spell at that moment?), the confession, all "bad" kids dealt with and forgotten, everything is forgiven once **** hits the fan. Killer dealt with, love spell revoked, new wishes to manipulate people being made. I wonder what the heck those two will do when they can't wish their way through life anymore. "No promotion? Aww, and I used my last with for a good present in the cereal packet yesterday.."I hoped and prayed that the killer (despite the evidence to the contrary) would be a true Grim Reaper, and that Main Char would pay the final prize in return for all those killed to return. But alas, my wish wasn't granted.If you like horror movies, save yourself the trouble, and wish for a better movie to enjoy. But if you can handle bad "horror" movies, go ahead and watch it. You've been warned.
Matt Kracht At first, I thought Wishcraft was going to be a cheesy clone of Wishmaster for teenagers. It did in fact turn out to be cheesy, but it's more of a Scream clone than anything else. There's a bit of supernatural phenomena, but it's kept to an absolute minimum. The violence is more in line with a PG-13 horror movie, and I think Wishcraft got its R rating mostly from a few choice profanities uttered merely to avoid a PG-13.If you like campy and quirky horror movies, you'll probably enjoy Wishcraft. If you're looking for atmosphere, gore, violence, or nudity, I think you're just going to be disappointed. This movie just doesn't take itself very seriously, and it never truly commits to being an outright horror movie. Instead, it seems to be more of a teen thriller, influenced by slasher movies.The story was better than I was expecting, though the ending kind of came out of nowhere. I doubt many people were expecting it. While it admittedly was difficult to predict, there was no real foreshadowing or anything, which leads me to think that it was done merely to surprise audiences. That's fine, but it's not particularly skilled writing.If you're in the mood for a campy thriller/slasher starring 30 year old teenagers, this is certainly a fine choice. Some people will find it a bit too inhibited (especially for an R-rated horror movie) or boring (much of the movie is spent developing the romance between the protagonist and his girlfriend), but I thought it was enjoyable.
PeterKurten911 This teen slasher obviously lacks a decent amount of story, since i dropped in halfway & still managed to reconstruct the whole story ( not in the least because all of it was retold in the form of a confession that the Nerd is making to the Pretty Girlfriend ). Whatever. In spite of some good elements, it turned out to be a typical, ordinary member of the genre. In order to sit through it, these are the good elements : - Alexandra Holden - a girl being hung by use of a traffic light - a guy being crushed with a bowling ball - a cool killer outfit - a katana - Viking dart - a teacher handing us our comeuppance
Empire-3 Wishcraft is another bad teen horror movie. It has all the cliches and very, very bad climax. Sometimes seems like the movie tries to be funny, but the jokes...(argh!)The main character gets a "wishing device" which is bull´s penis... and then he gets 3 wishes, which all seem to connect with the killer. What a plot!I give "Wishcraft" 2 points out of 10 (* out of *****)