The Martian
The Martian
PG-13 | 02 October 2015 (USA)
The Martian Trailers

During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Micitype Pretty Good
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
paid in full This is a unique story. And although it is fiction, it is believable, set in the near future. The casting for this movie is exceptional. Exceptional. The supporting actors show a lot of flexibility. Definitely worth the second watch.
chetanchopra012 The Martian starts off setting high expectations when group of astronauts from NASA go on a Mars mission and while they're on the surface of the planet the atmosphere goes out of control, strong winds start blowing and a useless piece of debris hits our male lead Damon right in the ribs and he is pushed back by several meters. The rest of the crew assumes him to be dead and return to Earth only to find out after some days that he is still alive. Not only this but he has also managed to grow potatoes on the surface of Mars, (I couldn't imagine doing so if I were a BOTANIST you know) I mean there's an example of going out of your comfort zone (Earth). That aside, the middle scenes are pretty dull and you will find yourself forward-ing very often. There is a parallel mission going on Earth too to keep Damon fed till the next Mars mission is up and running and not to emphasize that a different politics is in progress there also and an astronaut's life on Mars basically depends it. The performances are average, any actor that manages to make any impact would be Jessica Chastain in the role of Martinez. Although the film picks up a little bit towards the end when Damon improvises with his profound knowledge a way to get himself out of a speedy rocket but it isn't too late to realize that you've wasted your precious time watching an economical version of Gravity.
geordiesdad Generally the movie was good....lots of quasi-science which, although improbable, didn't stretch the bounds too far but the ending......really? We're supposed to believe that the rocket order to save weight, jettisons the hard cap and replaces it with....wait for it....CANVAS. If you do the math, the only speed quoted, which is BEFORE the maximum thrust, converts to about 2600 kilometers per hour. Now I've put my arm out the window at about 150 KPH and had the hair nearly blown off so I'm pretty sure 2600 KPH is more than a little improbable. Since the entire movie is predicated on hoping we will believe at least some of the science why couldn't they have just picked a smaller number to reduce it which didn't entail removing all the windows and the nosecone 'cause I'm pretty sure they'd be necessary at 2600 KPH....just saying.
Michael Ledo A NASA crew on Mars evacuates during a bad storm, Mark (Matt Damon) is believed dead and is left behind. However, he is not dead and needs to be resourceful to survive until the next mission, over a year away. However it it not as bad as "Gravity" or "Cast Away" without Wilson. Mark (plot spoiler revealed in previews) manages to make contact with Earth and we have a subplot to break up the monotony of a one man play.The film is designed primarily for science geeks. There is a lot of terms for them, many are broken down, some inanely as when a sling shot effect had to be explained to the head of NASA, something they do all the time.With all the hype of an Oscar nomination, I thought the film would have been better. It was good, I enjoyed it, but I don't believe it belongs in the Science Fiction hall of fame. There are no space aliens, ghosts, or anything crazy like that. Science fiction, not science fantasy.As far as science goes, my understanding is that Martian soil has a high perchlorate content hindering plant growth. Also NASA is leery of sending anyone to Mars as the radiation dose they will get on a round trip would be considered a lifetime dose for the astronauts, ending their careers and greatly increasing the risk of a latent radiation induced cancer etc.