| 27 August 2016 (USA)
Knucklebones Trailers

A group of bored college students unleash a murderous demon while playing a dice game made from human knucklebones.

Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
TheLittleSongbird Have an appreciation for horror and the concept was kind of interesting. So although expectations were far from high, considering the general standard of low budget films seen recently, part of me was hoping that 'Knucklebones' would be at least tolerable. There are definitely worse films than 'Knucklebones', of the horror genre and overall, and it is not even close to being one of the worst, let alone the worst, low budget films seen recently. That on the other hand doesn't make it good, it does far too little with the potential it had in the concept and it doesn't even have enough to make it tolerable. Much of it is pretty lame actually but it is not irredeemable, it frustrated me and has more flaws than it has good things but it didn't at least completely bore or confuse me like some other films did me recently. A few not bad things. Knucklebones himself looks pretty decent, was expecting far worse and he was not as cheap or ridiculous-looking as expected. It's not too badly shot. And at least it's reasonably coherent. However, 'Knucklebones' is also very erratically paced, rushed structurally but dull in momentum. Knucklebones himself doesn't look bad, but in terms of personality and writing he is not sinister at all, pretty cheesy actually and tries too hard to be a horror villain icon like Freddy Krueger but with none of what made that character have the reception he does now. 'Knucklebones' is really quite bad when it comes to the writing. Very stilted and induces too often some unintentional laughs. There were attempts at dark humour, but it was not dark or sharp enough and was instead silly and clumsy. Even worse is the acting, which is pretty awful all round while having to work with annoying characters. Photography aside, the film looks cheap. It's too drably lit and then there are the not-worth-mentioning-because-they're-so-bad-beyond-description effects. The story didn't confuse me at least but there was no tension, suspense or fun whatsoever, it was just far too safe blandness which not even the gratuitous gore could spice up. What seemed like references to horror films were not clever or affectionate, they were just derivative and clumsy with little point to some of them. It's forgettably scored too, and flatly directed.Overall, not a complete shambles but lame. 3/10 Bethany Cox
demonicmorelia I've seen scarier things in my toilet.... Bad acting ....and I mean bad! The demon thing was OK but unoriginal ... No imagination The movie just seemed rushed , storytelling is forgotten here You don't care about the characters , there just one dimensional boring people.. Did I mention the bad acting?? I've seen more talent in a used dog poop bag. The only good thing was the idea behind the knuckle bones game but that's all. Watch this on TV if your bored but don't bother spending money renting this 💩💩💩💩💩💩
dtcarney88 I just got thru watching Knucklebones and was pleasantly Surprised. I didn't know what to expect. What I got was a fast paced well made film. I am a fan of Horror & Slasher Films.I've seen them all. I have fallen asleep as of late from the Tired run of the mill rehashed ideas. I'll be honest and say I went into this one thinking the same. At once I noticed the tight Direction and pacing of the Film. The F/X were awesome and the whole look of the Film was way above that of most of the latest horror i've seen.This film has it all. Beautiful Actresses and it is bloody as hell.Knuckle bones was AWESOME and powerful in every scene.This is a horror nuts movie. Beautiful Ladies, Some skin & Bloody Deaths. Pass the popcorn i'm watching this one again...
s3276169 In my opinion if you don't want to do yourself a mental mischief the best way to view Knucklebones is as a comedy of errors. Casting aside the predictable "B" grade credentials of this film, its inability, in my view, to actually settle on a simple core concept and stick to it, is the main reason its such a mess. This flick constantly oscillates between vaguely formulated, uninspiring ideas. Its as if the whole thing tries far too hard, to be interesting and original. It would have been better off, I feel, basking in its "B" grade glory and just sticking with a simpler slasher flick premise. The acting is OK, there's a little black humour, thats not too dreadful and there are a few "jump scares" but thats all I can find that's positive to say here. Four out of ten from me.