The Darkness
The Darkness
PG-13 | 13 May 2016 (USA)
The Darkness Trailers

A family returns from a Grand Canyon vacation with a supernatural presence in tow.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
d_keenan1 This will be a quick review. A wee bit of advice Kevin, stick to EE ads mate.....
stvstt Funnily enough I didn't mind it being a bit mimical of Poltergeist, or even The Manitou. The acting was crisp enough, and I like the idea that instead of the wholesome family under siege, this one was dysfunctional, with each one fighting their own demons (rather than the supernatural ones). This movie brimmed with ideas.The problem, I thought, with this movie is its pacing. I thought that the first half of the movie was unnecessarily long and tended to drag out the suspense until there really wasn't any suspense left. This meant that their was little time to get into the heart of the characters and their individual flaws, let alone the medium who appears too much near the end of the film.I felt that whilst this movie borrowed a lot from Poltergeist, it went to too many lengths trying not to be Poltergeist, and as a result the project suffered.A pity really because this movie had all the elements of being a great movie, but squandered it on timing. Elementary mistake.
TheLittleSongbird With some talent in the cast, a cool cover, that it did look fairly eerie and that boasted one of the best concepts for any film seen recently by me, 'The Darkness' potential was pretty big. Also appreciate the horror genre and have liked films in similar vein, so watched 'The Darkness' oddly enough with the genuine want and intent to like it. It does pain me to say it, and it is going to sound repetitive being a common thing found in recent viewings and mentioned, but 'The Darkness' managed to be a big disappointment for me and from the sounds of it many others. Big potential, executed in a way that while not terrible rarely rose above mediocrity overall. There are moments and good things, but they were too far and between and not enough for a film that did little with such a good idea. It may annoy people with me saying this a lot recently, but it is hard to not say anything when wastes of good ideas and talent is a bugbear of mine and something that has featured rather too heavily in my recent film viewings.Kevin Bacon and Radha Mitchell are reasonable leads and David Mazouz is more than up to their level. So the acting is better than average on the whole and somehow manages to rise above the material that was not worthy of them.'The Darkness' does have an atmospherically spooky look, an eerie music score and a few unsettling moments. Unfortunately, the creepiness and suspense not just doesn't come consistently, there is nowhere near enough of either. There is an over-reliance on scares, mainly of the jumpy kind, but few come off effectively. Again a few unsettling moments, but too much of them are easily foreseeable and derivative.Furthermore, too much is over-explained, there is far too much exposition (much of it clumsy and rambling) and too much is given away too soon. The characters aren't very interesting, not to mention very clichéd that it makes the distinct lack of originality even more obvious, making everything really predictable. The script is lazy and underwritten, with too much reliance on the scares, which are not strong enough to come over successfully, the ending is a very "that's it?" one and the intrusive and obvious sound effects telegraph the outcome of the scares early on in the build-ups. In summary, not terrible but mediocre and a waste of potential. 4/10 Bethany Cox
lorcan-61881 The darkness..where do i begin. family,grand canyon,evil spirit comes home,boring..there ya go,quicker way to say plot. This film is awful,i absolutely hated it,the plot was one of the most worst ever. This is like just thinking up the worst plot ever like a haunted shoe or a bottle of perfume from many centuries sent back to kill. The acting is also bad,its like a man just picked a bunch of random people to star in this..awful. The darkness is a terrible,no scary,disastrous horror film. Hate It!