Save Me
Save Me
| 23 March 1994 (USA)
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An accountant beleaguered by personal and professional problems gets involved with a femme fatale and her mysterious psychiatrist.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
kerangador If you are a connoisseur of beautiful women with flawless ivory skin, the perfectly measured body, golden flax hair, pink nipples, firm breasts etc.. you have to watch this movie.Lysette Anthony is totally hawt here. I mean totally mind blowing hawt. She is the sort of woman you can imagine as Helen of Troy - launching a thousand ships because her beauty was totally captivating.The sex scene at the end with the beefcake actor has to rank as one of the hottest scenes in film history.The plot may be thinner than Lysette's pantyhose but if you think about it - most films plots are pretty crappy and rip-offs from better movies.But well, if you like watching beautiful women - you can't give this a miss.
vchimpanzee At the start of the movie, Jim Stevens has to explain to his young son Kenny that parents sometimes have to spend time apart. It's not that he and Kenny's mother hate each other, but he and Kenny both wish things could be different.And if you were looking for a family movie, that is all you should watch.Jim goes to a mall to buy a present for Kenny, and he sees this beautiful woman walk into a lingerie store. Ellie tries on a sexy teddy, and she actually walks out into the store still wearing it. Jim desperately tries not to appear to be a pervert.Outside the store, Oliver shows up angry, and his behavior suggests that he abuses Ellie. Ellie writes a note with her phone number and the words "Save Me". Jim calls the number and Ellie suggests meeting at Santa Monica Pier. There, she explains that Oliver is the psychiatrist in charge of her mother's care, that she wants to break up with him, and that he will do anything to stop her from leaving.Jim sells bonds for Barton and Robbins, and while he has made lots of money for them in the past, the company has been carrying him for a year and this has to stop. And on that day he had the talk with Kenny, Jim did show up late and dressed like a construction worker while everyone else was wearing nice suits. Barton seems to be on his side, but Jim's new boss Michael wishes he were in charge so he could just fire Jim. Jim refuses to go against his values, which Michael doesn't have. On what may be a related note, someone with Michael's values handles Oliver's money.Jim's values are quite different where personal relationships are concerned. He doesn't seem to be formally separated from his wife, and yet what happens with Ellie makes this a forbidden romance/women in jep movie typical of Lifetime. Actually, we don't really see Ellie in jeopardy nearly as much as we see Jim running for his life.Jim's friend Matthew offers help in solving the Oliver problem, and he has a cabin with a hot tub to which he invites Jim and Ellie.The second half almost redeems the movie. There are some unexpected plot twists. Or, if you're the type who can see these things coming a mile away, lame plot twists. But I enjoyed them. Also a pretty good car chase.Even if this wasn't any better than a typical TV-movie, Michael Ironside and Lysette Anthony give superior performances (well, for this material, anyway). I wasn't sure if it was just the accent in Anthony's case, but later I realized she was talented. Bill Nunn did a good job as the detective. Only one acting performance was truly bad: Steve Railsback as the evil boss Michael.If you enjoy watching a woman just get undressed, there's a scene in the lingerie store that should make you feel cheap and dirty. Since the credits say "nude model", I have to wonder if the scene was redone for TV. I didn't see much of Ellie either, which I understand is a shame.I wouldn't say good, only "good enough".
James Upton 'Save Me' is a well-made psycho-sexual drama typical of the erotic thrillers made in the 90s. The film stars Harry Hamlin as Jim Stevens, a stockbroker whose life is falling apart when his wife's (Olivia Hussey) infidelity drives him into a marital separation he does not want. Stevens' life is also being made miserable by an inept and power-driven boss (Steven Railsback) whose illegal dealings threaten his job.When by chance he meets Ellie (Lysette Anthony) his whole life changes, but as you will see, not necessarily for the better. He becomes obsessed with her, and she with him, but soon their sexual rendezvous become known to the other man in her life, Oliver (Michael Ironside), a psychiatrist with whom she is living.The plot thickens when Oliver threatens Stevens and he becomes the target of assaults and attempts on his life by an unknown assailant. The plot twists and turns into a suspenseful surprise ending, and Stevens learns the bitter truth: an English rose of such unequaled beauty and charm has many thorns.This film is characteristic of many 'B-titles' that have made the rounds on the cable circuit, only this one is also available in a unrated version that you won't likely see unless you rent it. There are some casting shortfalls not unlike 'B-titles' but the story itself is plausible and a good showcase for stunning Lysette Anthony, who easily mesmerizes the viewer into noticing little else in every scene she's in.
Dr.Jolly I saw this movie on a movie channel not too long ago in the middle of the night. It's a B movie with a different twist. Lysette Anthony plays a beautiful woman who suffers from multiple personality disorders. Her problem isn't to hard for her to handle, until her normal self pursues Harry Hamlin. As she dates Hamlin, her evil identity appears randomly and constantly seduces Hamlin. In case you're wondering where you've seen the lovely British actress, Anthony has been the evil blond in Look Who's Talking Now, and had supporting roles in Dr.Jekyl and Ms. Hyde, along with Dracula (Dead And Loving It). Hamlin and Ironside (who plays Anthony's shrink) are from L.A. Law fame. The movie has a good story to go with, but begins to stray away from the plot and dive more into the sex. Before you know it, Hamlin and Anthony are having sex every five minutes, and soon, the movie becomes another Cinemax romp fest. Being male, I did enjoy seeing the naked Anthony a few times, but visual stimulus can only last so long. Hamlin and Ironside are TV actors, which means they are stuck in character roles (in this case as lawyers which is even worse). Overall, if you flip over to the channel playing this one and catch Anthony nude, you're lucky, because it's the only reason to watch this one. I give it a 3 out of 10.