And Soon the Darkness
And Soon the Darkness
R | 17 December 2010 (USA)
And Soon the Darkness Trailers

When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina split up and one of them goes missing, the other must find her before her worst fears are realized.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
CorumJI Wow. It is indeed rare that someone makes a "thriller" which relies on BOTH the Idiot Plot and the Coincidence Plot, but this one is one of them.That is, the ONLY reason the plot advances, is because EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY person involved is a complete and total idiot.AND the only reason the plot advances, is because of one or more RIDICULOUSLY "Convenient" COINCIDENCES (Notably, the usual "vehicle won't start at EXACTLY the wrong moment, when it's shown no signs of issues prior to this point).So this movie manages to get a "3" ranking out of me, which is near impossible for a reasonably "major" film -- that is, something that didn't get made out of someone's garage in Poughkeepsie.This movie has only two things going for it, and that depends on your liking slender girls, both of the females in this one are model-thin -- I grant some guys don't like that.Oh, and the focus. The guy(s) running the cameras did know how to pull focus. So they had at least one competent person working on this. That certainly can't be said for the writers and the director.
haphazard72 Not the most original storyline (and yes, I know it's a remake!), but makes for an OK movie.The main characters are as sexy as hell (!!!!!) and are enjoying a bike riding holiday when one of them is kidnapped, leaving the other to figure out what's happened, with little to no help form the townspeople or law enforcement.Unlike others with this sort of storyline, there really is little to no gore or violence right up until the end scenes, but even then, it's not as full on as it could have been.There's probably unanswered questions as to why all the townspeople don't or won't get involved- is it because of fear or other reasons? It's not really explained. Is it plausible? I guess so, but don't know.Overall an OK movie, but not great.....
enriquevirdokolbe As always,the girl who likes to arouse boys and is not repressed by the actual morals, is abducted and dies. The good girl, pure and brave not only saves her life, also kills the bad kidnappers. But,the scenario is really surrealistic: this film explicit the fact that all happens in Argentina. But, what region of Argentina? First we see scenes filmed in Salta (north), then Cafayate (south of Salta).Near we contemplate a ghost town near a river (there is a sign over the route that says: "Paraná")This river is located hundred of miles of Salta. And the ghost town with a building thas claims: "Matadero" is really on south of Buenos Aires. In the movie,all the places seems to be near each other. Well, the plot is obvious: police is corrupt.People in town does not help the American girls.Natives are bad or indifferent. The good girl, skinny and without experience in fighting,manage to save her life and uses firearms to kill a policeman and other villains. A really spoof.
astacvi-1 Never heard of anyone but Karl Urban in the cast, but I figured by 2010 he was famous enough to pick and choose his projects. Wrong. I have no idea why he did this but his talents are utterly wasted. Predictable, pointless crap. The main characters are annoying, stereotypical, and just plain dumb. By the end you're rooting for them all to die just for being so stupid.The only good thing I can say about this movie is it doesn't descend to the level of slash and gore so common in the genre. If that seems like faint praise, well, it is. Rising above the lowest possible level still doesn't make for a watchable or interesting movie.