The Perfect Host
The Perfect Host
R | 01 July 2010 (USA)
The Perfect Host Trailers

Warwick Wilson is the consummate host. He carefully prepares for a dinner party, the table impeccably set and the duck perfectly timed for 8:30 p.m. John Taylor is a career criminal. He’s just robbed a bank and needs to get off the streets. He finds himself on Warwick’s doorstep posing as a friend of a friend, new to Los Angeles, who’s been mugged and lost his luggage.

Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
gamertaboo Well I watched the trailer and couldn't believe my eyes NILES starring in a serious role?!?! (he may have starred in many for all I know, if so I apologize!)Anyway, I had to see this. And what can I say, at first when I saw the trailer I sort figured out how I thought the movie would go, and boy was I..... WRONG. This movie has some twists and turns, it's written fairly well. There's a couple cringe-y parts in there but they are meant to be there. I can honestly say, I never expected where this movie went. I didn't see half of it coming, and it was great. This movie is unique. The acting was superb. I only wish I could watch David Hyde Pierce star in more films like this.This truly is a hidden gem. And don't take my word for it, look at the score up at the top yourself.... that isn't just handed out to ANY movie on IMDB... I hope you Enjoy!
Andy Howlett What a treat this film turned out to be. The only thing that was easy to guess at was the fact that no-one was coming to dinner and that Warwick Wilson was nut. But there was more than enough intrigue and twists & turns to keep us guessing all the way through, and the quality of characterisation and acting from David Hyde Pierce was superb, The way he kept it just on the right side of camp was masterly. SPOILER COMING. It was a complete shock to discover that Mr Wilson was not only a cop, but a crooked one! What a stroke. What a film.
MissOceanB Very pleasantly surprised by The Perfect Host. This film has a little bit of everything: a dark side, comedic relief, twists and turns, crime...and a gracious host (well-played by David Hyde Pierce)! David Hyde Pearce (in character) has a most amazing and peculiar dinner party complete with a multitude of interesting guests. His dark side begins to show near the beginning of the film when a surprise guest (played by Clayne Crawford) arrives. What follows is extremely entertaining, dark, humorous, psychologically thrilling and to say more would spoil this film. The twists and turns in this piece of perfection lead to a perfect ending! David Hyde Pearce's performance is so well-done and charismatic that you can't help but watch all the way through, even twice! Great, intense, and thrilling film! Can't recommend it enough!
bowmanblue Sometimes, low budget films with few locations and lesser-known actors are sent to B-movie oblivion - many in fact. However, I'm pleased to say that this isn't one of them.Sure, it doesn't have much action, it's only really filmed in one (major) location and (unless you used to watch Frasier) you probably won't recognise too many of the cast. It's even got a couple of questionable plot holes, but the fact it, the film was just too damn enjoyable to let any of that bother me.Just like the big-screen adaptation of 'American Psycho's' success was down to Christian Bale's excellent (and psychotic) performance, 'The Perfect Host's' charm is completely down to David Hyde Pierce's character. You can tell he's clearly loving doing what he's doing... and it shows.I won't go into too much detail about the plot, but it may just put you off dinner parties for life. It's a cheap, but enjoyable little black comedy/thriller/horror. It'll never compete with the Avengers or Avatar, but it is good fun if you have a black sense of humour.