Armored Car Robbery
Armored Car Robbery
NR | 08 June 1950 (USA)
Armored Car Robbery Trailers

While executing an armored car heist in Los Angeles, icy crook Dave Purvis shoots policeman Lt. Phillips before he and his cronies make off with the loot. Thinking he got away scot-free, Purvis collects his money-crazy mistress, Yvonne, then disposes of his partners and heads out of town. What Purvis doesn't know is that Phillips' partner, tough-as-nails Lt. Cordell, is wise to the criminal's plans and is closing in on his prey.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
LeonLouisRicci Both Derivative and Influential, This Richard Fleischer B-Movie from RKO was the Kind of Thing that Fleischer Excelled. It's a No Nonsense Noir with the Ever Increasing "Police Procedural" Element that Started to Change Film-Noir Starting About 1950.The Darker Psychological Aspects of the Genre were Pushed to the Background and America Began Flexing and Propagandizing its Muscle, Using Technology and Bureaucracy as Weapons to Announce Proudly that the US was "On Top of the World".This Tight Toned Film is Highlighted by L.A. Locations, Some Sharp Photography, an Insane and Brutal Villain (Hamilton Burger), some Solid Support (Steve Brodie, Adele Jergins), a Bit of Snappy Patter, (after viewing some spilled blood in the getaway car, tough as nails cop Charles McGraw after hearing the robber bled some...McGraw growls..."Not enough for me.".The Fast Pacing and the Clipped Exposition are Woven to Create a Semi-Classic of the Heist Genre. McGraw and Fleischer are in Their Element and This is the Kind of Thing that RKO was Known and Admired For.
Leofwine_draca With its lean, pared-down running time and exclusive focus on the cops 'n' robbers storyline, ARMOURED CAR ROBBERY could be a modern movie along the likes of the BOURNE films or HEAT. It's certainly a film that's stood the test of time very well, as it's extremely fast paced and action-packed with it. There's little to dislike here.The plot is simplicity in itself: a group of bank robbers hijack an armoured car and make way with the loot. A gang of cops are soon on their tail, and then things get rather messy. There are fatalities on both sides, a sleazy burlesque club gets drawn into the mix, and there's an inexorable slide towards the inevitable showdown at the climax.ARMOURED CAR ROBBERY boasts a tough script, excellent acting and strong direction from the reliable Richard Fleischer (10 RILLINGTON PLACE). The best of the cast is easily William Talman as the chief robber; he has a real screen presence here and holds his own against everyone else. Charles McGraw, as the dogged detective on his trail, is very nearly as good. In any case, this is a great, forgotten little movie that's rip for rediscovery.
vicarson A good early killer crime flick from director Richard Fleischer, who really hit his straps 20 years later with the classic sci-fi "Soylent Green" (1973).This film noir is well plotted, has a great storyline and is interesting and absorbing throughout. At 67 minutes it achieves its required result with very little padding.Brisk performances from the gravel voiced Charles McGraw who had made it big in TV in the mid-50's with "The Adventures of Falcon".Tough blonde Adele Jergen, who had a tragic life off screen, is great as the lover of gangland leader William Talman who made a career as the District Attorney who always lost to Perry Mason.If it ever comes on one of the movie channels do yourself a favour and see it.7/10
MartinHafer Wow, was I ever impressed by this little film. While ARMORED CAR ROBBERY is not an especially sexy title and the film possesses no real star power, it is a wonderfully effective and superbly written little B-movie directed by a young Richard Fleischer. So far in his career Fleischer had directed some shorts and a couple undistinguished films and it was several years before he gained fame with THE NARROW MARGIN (also a wonderful B-film starring Charles McGraw), THE VIKINGS and SOYLENT GREEN. So, since he was an unknown, they gave him mostly unknowns for the film. The biggest name in it was Charles McGraw--a great heavy and supporting actor who'd been around but still hadn't made a name for himself. Additionally, William Talman plays the leader of the bad guys and while you most likely won't recognize his name, he is the man who played Hamilton Burger on the "Perry Mason" TV show.While McGraw was as wonderful as I'd expected since I'd seen him in quite a few great Film Noir movies, I was particularly impressed by Talman. As Ham Burger, he was a bland and one-note character--the jerk who ALWAYS lost to Perry Mason. But here, he was a very cold, calculating and scary man because he was so believable and amoral. It's a darn shame that this role didn't result in better roles--he really showed he could act.The film is naturally about an armored car robbery and it was rather straight-forward in its plotting. However, because the dialog and the rest of the writing was so true to life, it really jumped out at me. While it did have a few great Noir-like lines (spoken mostly by the great McGraw), it emphasized reality over style and seemed like a very honest crime drama more than anything else. While it lacked the tension of THE NARROW MARGIN, it made up for it with quality at every level--resulting in a marvelous and generally unrecognized little gem. Watch this film--it's dandy.