Soylent Green
Soylent Green
PG | 19 April 1973 (USA)
Soylent Green Trailers

In the year 2022, overcrowding, pollution, and resource depletion have reduced society’s leaders to finding food for the teeming masses. The answer is Soylent Green.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Fletcher Conner Set in an overpopulated future (2022, but it may as well be 2075), where the environment has been damaged to the point that farming cannot produce enough food. The Soylent corporation produces most of the foodstuffs in the form of colored biscuit-like squares made from soybeans and plankton. Detective Robert Thorn (Charlton Heston) is a NYC cop who investigates the death of a rich executive of the Soylent corporation. He determines that the murder was part of a cover up and begins to uncover the dark secrets behind their society.Heston gives a performance in line with the rest of career and Edward G. Robinson shines in his final appearance as he died shortly after filming wrapped. There are plenty of interesting social commentaries about the massive divide between the rich and poor. There is a reintroduction of indentured servitude in this society as prostitutes come with apartments and are considered a part of the "furniture" for the wealthy. When pushed against obstacles like overpopulation and food shortages, society backslides and a few use force to dominate the masses.The ending felt rushed, unnecessarily so, given the film's relatively short 96 minute runtime. The first hour was engaging and interesting, but the last 20 minutes was a rush to get to the revelation. Thorn also goes searching for evidence of the wrongdoing, but doesn't actually bring back any besides seeing it for himself. At that point it is just his word against their's and they have shown no hesitation to kill to protect their power.
one-nine-eighty A classic film with Charlton Heston taking the lead as a detective trying to uncover who murdered a corporate big wig. Set in the future where greenhouse gasses and nasty chemicals have ravaged food supplied, a massively inflated populous struggles for food and breathing room. While this film may seem dated by today's slick standards this production from the 70's is still relevant, delivering a message about culture and society, wealth, greed, economics and the lengths humans will go to in order survive. Slow at times while the plot and setting unfolds the film picks up pace towards the end. The acting is as good as you'll get from similarly dated films. There's nostalgia for anybody re watching this but equally there's fun and thrills for new audiences still. Enjoy.
Prismark10 Director Richard Fleischer could me some odd looking campy films and I am afraid the costumes in this Dystopian futuristic film makes you wonder why the male characters are dressed in such a foppish way.Set in 2022, the planet is suffering from the greenhouse effect and global warming. There is overpopulation, homelessness and an increased divide between the rich and the underclass.Pollution has meant food is in short supply and Soylent Industries makes from plankton called Soylent Green. Real food whether it is meat or vegetable is a rare luxury.When an executive of Soylent Industries is brutally killed Detective Thorn (Charlton Heston) investigates. Thorn lives with an elderly scholar Sol Roth (Edward G Robinson) who tells Thorn about the old days and helps with his investigation. Thorn enters a world of the rich with their fancy apartments, treacherous bodyguards and accompanying furniture who are young beautiful women who come with apartment.Thorn soon finds out that the rich and powerful are trying to disrupt his investigation by applying pressure to his bosses. The murdered executive felt guilty about something and confessed to a preacher who himself has been executed. There is a secret about the food chain which Thorn is determined to find out.Charlton Heston despite his increasing right wing views as he got older did make several films about an environmentally degraded world. The film has a famous reveal about what exactly is Soylent Green but it really does looked aged in parts, slow going and not very convincing despite its interesting premise of an environment destroyed by humans. The treatment of women as just playthings is despicable.This was the last appearance of Edward G Robinson who died soon after the film was completed. The most emotional scene is regarding his euthanasia surrounded by images of fields, forests, mountains, animals, rivers, sunsets and piped classical music.
jakob13 In seeing 'Soylent Green' in 2017, we are struck how immediate and contemporary it is. We are living in a time that takes history and facts in a less detached way manner than we did in the past: objectivity has, it seems, no virtue,no relevance. Harry Harrison's dystopian novel 'Make Room! Make Room! became the film 'Soylent Green', under the skillful hand of director Richard Fleischer. The film's appropriate to our times; it speaks to our condition; its themes are associated with today's moral and social and political issues. 'Soylent Green' reveals in a futuristic New York, the consequences of global warming, that America's coupon clippers deny. The film released in 1974 talks of the 'greenhouse effect', a term that has slipped out of public consciousness, yet vividly represented by Fleischer as a world of excessive temperatures, over populated, with insufficient housing, a world of the poor and hungry who live cheek to jowl even in stairwells; churches have become warehouses for the homeless and the huddled masses. The rising temperatures have rendered the earth sterile so that food production cannot sustain life, and a corporation of the rich find ways to feed the 99 percent with something called 'soylent yellow, brown and now green'. 'Soylent Green' is a morality tale; it has definite lessons for our ruling corporate classes if they would only drop the scales from this eyes, and cleans the encrusted wax in their ears. We are in a world where the 1 percent, live in luxury and the 99 percent in despair. The film has, obviously, a bearing on the way our elite make decisions only for their bottom line. Slaves exist; they are called furniture; no longer human, they serve for sexual pleasure, and can be discarded at will like an old lamp or chair that no longer serves its purposes. The film's conceit has an echo from the 18 century: Dean Jonathan Swift says it all in 'A Modest Proposal'. 'Soylent Green's' universe is one that believes in waste not want not and all that hoary dictum entails. The film follows the tried and true hard-boiled detective genre with its twists and turns; its corrupt practices, its tail of dead,its false leads and chases, the heavy hand of the powerful to quash the hero Thron played with clenched jaws (Charlton Heston's trade mark) from getting at the truth. He is ably supported by Sol Roth (played by Edward G. Robinson, in his last film role) with a turn that enables Thorn or Heston to find his way. Chuck Connors is a cool killer at the beckon and call of the corporate powers that rule this claustrophobic world. Black actors play secondary but important roles, which says something for the casting of those days when Nixon's Southern Strategy was in full swing.'Soylent Green' is a film that deserves to be review and shown in schools, on television regularly. It has cautionary lessons for us that we should learn, yet the Trump White House and his billionaire cronies are pushing our planet to the hour when life on Earth will look like the ambiance of suffering and torment of the mass of people while the sybaritic holders of power make merry and money and enjoy the fruits of power as the world goes to hell in a hand basket.