The Maiden Heist
The Maiden Heist
PG-13 | 29 May 2009 (USA)
The Maiden Heist Trailers

A comedy centered on three museum security guards who devise a plan to steal back the artworks to which they have become attached after they are transferred to another museum.

ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
bpwaite Don't expect an Oscar....but fun flick all around!!! Love William H. Macy as always.Morgan Freeman is great and CW....actually shows a sensitive side.....Fun Movie!!!!I would watch again.
kaiward646 Okay, so on the cover it's advertised to look like a bad-ass crime movie, it's a crime comedy drama, it's pretty cool though, the men doing the heists aren't criminals, they're just regular old guys who love their job so much they're willing to stop a painting from being re- located.It's pretty good, the acting is good, the characters are well developed, it's entertaining to all ages, it's filmed okay, and it's pacing is pretty good.Defiantly recommended, no alcohol needed, but you know alcohol won't hurt, it's got a decent soundtrack, and some nice moments, especially the moments involving art.
vchimpanzee Roger is a security guard at a Boston art museum. He is so obsessed with the painting "The Lonely Maiden" that when he hears a docent getting some of the facts wrong as she explains the painting to a tour group, he corrects everything she says.And then the day comes when "The Lonely Maiden" will be shipped to Denmark. Roger can't have that happen. So he schemes with two other guards, Charlie and George, to steal the painting. Charlie and George each have favorite works of art that will be part of the move, and they don't want to lose them either. And George is somewhat disturbed; security footage shows him posing nude beside the statue he loves.There's an obvious way to "rescue" these art works: our three heroes must volunteer to work security during the move. And to keep anyone from finding out what they've done, they have to make perfect copies. Charlie is a talented artist and can do that with his favorite painting, but he's not so good with Roger's work. So a street artist is hired for that purpose.And the big move takes place. Can they get the substitutes in place and switch them? Can they get their art works where they want them? Two possible complications: Roger's wife Rose thinks they're going on vacation and she may mess everything up. And George has to hide in the museum, and he has his quirks. Oh, this could be very good.It's not "Ocean's Eleven", but it's still very good. You want our heroes to succeed in their criminal acts. But there are so many obstacles to give us plenty of sources of humor. And then, of course, the big chase and near-disaster. All the leading actors do a good job here, and Morgan Freeman shows so much emotion, so much passion, considering this is a comedy. William H. Macy is ... disturbing. It's not like the type role he usually does, but he makes the most of it. On broadcast TV, I didn't have to see .... everything. And Marcia Gay Harden is appropriately over the top.Is it a work of art? Pretty close.
sedagive42 Of course it was no :Lion in Winter, but it was funny, lighthearted and had 4 good actors in it. If you are a fan of any of them you won't be disappointed. I was surfing and just happened to come across it. Cute and a great way to spend a rainy afternoon. I am sorry some others have taken such a negative view. It does not pretend to be a serious drama, and I am sure Walken, Freeman, Harden and Macy had a great time making it. It plays to characters they have all played.....and there is no blood or gore. I did enjoy the 'getting ready" scenes they played really well..and so what if the background is not what you is still worth the time..