Stand Up Guys
Stand Up Guys
R | 14 December 2012 (USA)
Stand Up Guys Trailers

After serving 28 years in prison for accidentally killing the son of a crime boss, newly paroled gangster Val reunites with his former partners in crime, Doc and Hirsch, for a night on the town. As the three men revisit old haunts, reflect on their glory days and try to make up for lost time, one wrestles with a terrible quandary: Doc has orders to kill Val, and time is running out for him to figure out a way out of his dilemma.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
adonis98-743-186503 A pair of aging stickup men try to get the old gang back together for one last hurrah before one of the guys takes his last assignment - to kill his comrade. Packed with terrific job from Al Pacino, Christopher Walken and Alan Arkin 3 legends of Cinema and giants of Hollywood 'Stand Up Guys' tells a simple story and shows the bond between 3 old friends who have spend alot of things together plus the film's ending is old school action and something that Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone would do and the way it was handled, directed and shot was just freaking epic and genious. The Stand Up Guys is a must see for fans of any of those 3 actors that has heart, humor and action!!
geauxtigerswhodat It started a little slow. But as I watched I ready got into it.
bowmanblue Before I wrote this, I checked out some of the other reviews and, based on what I read, you're probably not going to agree with me. Apparently, from what I've seen, the majority of people who watched 'Stand Up Guys' really enjoyed it.I'm not saying that it wasn't an okay film, but, based on having two of the greatest actors in the leading roles, I thought it was going to be better than it was.Christopher Walken plays a hit-man who's charged with the task of 'offing' Al Pacino who has been released from prison after 28 years. The only trouble is... they're friends and so Walken takes Pacino on one last night of hell-raising.It's a good premise and it is at its best when it's sentimental. However, it was also billed as a 'comedy' and I didn't find that much to laugh at (primary some smutty jokes about the problems elderly men have between the sheets and that's about it).Pacino overacts and Walken underacts. And, no matter how great the actors are (and they are great!), the somewhat average script makes little more than an average movie.I didn't hate it. It passed an hour and a half. It's just I was expecting better, but, like I say, there are a lot of very positive 4 and 5 star reviews, so what do I know?
fedor8 "Going In Style" meets "Tough Guys" meets "Space Cowboys", but more laid-back and slow (at least in the first half), and with much more emphasis on aging erections and other unpleasant aspects most viewers would probably wish SUG would have stayed away from.Far too much screen-time is devoted to Pacino's penis, the movie going so far as to even show us the bulge in his pants! It was vomit-inducing – and I want my food back.Unfortunately, Walken's usual humorous and much-admired psycho/macho approach to playing crooks and the like takes a backseat to a much more elderly-gentleman-seeking-rocking-chair type of character. I wouldn't go so far as to say he was miscast, because even this kind of sedated Walken is better than none, but I would have preferred a different actor in the role, with Walken cast as the 4th ex-mobster, but one more in tune with Pacino's gung-ho attitude. Hiring Walken for a low-key role is a bit like casting Bill Murray in a dumb indie-type drama set in Japan.The movie's highlight is doubtlessly the vigilante lesson Al & Co. give to a gang of kidnappers/racists. Otherwise, the movie moves too slowly most of the times. The script is not much better than average and so SUG has to heavily rely on the charismatic trio to pull it off.Jon Bon Jovi? That was the other occasion I had to vomit during SUG.