NR | 22 September 2010 (USA)
Primal Trailers

Anja and five friends join anthroplogy student, Dace, on a journey to study a remote, ancient rock painting. Their excitement vanishes when Mel becomes delirious after skinny-dipping in the waterhole. Feverish, bleeding, confused, she physically and mentally regresses to a vicious predatory state. Mel has gone primal. Mel’s lover and friends realise they are the prey as she savagely hunts them down. Before they can escape another one of them starts to regress, posing a hideous choice; kill their friends or be killed by them. Their only hope of survival is through a cave, where Anja learns too late the meaning of the ancient rock art they came to study.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
shinobi272 I just saw this movie on syfy... even with the parts edited for content this is still arguably the worst movie ever. It goes from archaeological expedition flick to zombie movie to Japanese tentacle rape... seriously pick a genre and go with it will you? Is this how Aussies deal with threats now that their government has taken away their guns? big f*cking rocks and torches? I guess the socialists won huh? You've reduced yourselves to cavemen with cars and cable TV... good job. This movie would have been over in about 30 seconds if it took place in America. Oh look shes crazy and she bit me *bang* problem solved. But instead I had to put up with 2 hours of screaming over the simplest things and inaction when action is the only logical response to the stimuli... Girl running with machete and gets caught by 2 "zombies" don't get off your ass and help just sit there and tell her to run... uh yeah that's gonna solve the problem. I guess the commie government took your testicles too.
blighter-soul Acting is novice, rather utterly dumb! Concept is yuck and the movie is a total failure. What on earth do you spend money to make movies like this for?Anger watching this movie all the way. Throw in a bunch of sadists and make a useless film.Acting; -10/10 Concept; -7/10You are better off watching a cartoon show rather than this movie. Showing some gooey stuff with vampiric teeth does not make a movie a horror flick. Recommendation: A strict no!One of the most insanely stupid movies to be ever made.
Michael 'Hallows Eve' Smillie This movie started off okay, a group of people going on a camping trip when it all turns bad. Now I know it is the usual story behind most horror movies, and I wasn't expecting too much from it, and I'm glad I didn't. It went down hill in a bit of a hurry from there. It was full of the usual cliché's, the group turn on each other, one of them becomes a killer, then they all end up in some kind of trouble one way or another. It wasn't ground breaking, and compared to a lot of other Aussie horror movies I've seen, this one would have to be at the lower end of the scale, but no where near as bad as another Aussie horror movie called 'PREY' (2009) which stars Natalie Bassingthwaighte (keep away from it if you can, it's rubbish). The story was average, the acting not much better, and the CGI near the end was below average (ruined the movie for me). But the kill scenes kind of saved a couple of points for me, so I give it a 4 out of 10.
lost-in-limbo "Evil Dead" anyone? When watching the Aussie low-budget supernatural horror "Primal", it was hard not to think of the classic "Evil Dead". Now way does it comes close to that film, but the energy shows, gore is gratuitous, eerie atmosphere sizzles and the performances are raw. Hey it even has shades of Lovecraft, especially towards back-end with one "What the hell!" sequence. It involves tentacles, a giant worm and our poor female heroine. Guess what the worm has on mind? The set-up is typical and what occurs doesn't surprise, however I got to hand it that wasn't boring and it throws in some crazy scenarios. Still it's fairly ambiguous to what is actually happening… and the climax paints it perfectly. A group of young adults who are friends go on an outback trip to study some obscure indigenous rock paintings, but things go wrong when one of them becomes sick and turns into a ravenous beast after swimming in a billabong. After a slow start with the textbook getting to know the characters (mostly an obnoxious, unlikeable bunch) and crafting out a sense of place. It would break out, starting off cheaply to only exaggerate. Teeth falling out, flesh tearing, screaming, growling, plenty of running, fire, dodgy CGI, frenetic camera movements and utter hysteria amongst a gorgeous scenic, if claustrophobic backdrop. It becomes a recyclable nightmarish pattern, which the director frames it with hip techniques. The awkward script is rather daft and clichéd with its illustrations and baggage, like the main heroine with her driving fear. Zoe Tuckwell-Smith equips herself quite well in the lead, but it's the tour-de-force turn of Krew Boylan as the unlucky Mel who transforms into something beastly with no signs of remorse. Tripe, but unassuming low-grade b-schlock that amuses even if it doesn't completely gel with its humour or jolts. "That was intense!"