They're Watching
They're Watching
| 25 March 2016 (USA)
They're Watching Trailers

An American TV crew gets trapped in a centuries-old web of revenge, horror, and blood, when their home improvement show is attacked by angry Eastern European villagers out to kill the show's star.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
robdot1964 Took awhile for this to get moving, when it did, it totally surprised me. I can usually guess where a movie is leading me, not at his time. Hang in there, it's worth it
Wizard-8 Obviously inspired by "The Blair Witch Project", "They're Watching" does manage to bring in a few fresh elements that help it to be its own movie instead of a blatant rip-off. The Moldavian backdrop does give the movie a unique feel and look, for starters. Also, the acting is pretty good for the most part, making the characters pretty believable. The cast also brings in some low-key humor that is amusing while at the same time coming across as realistic instead of forced.However, despite those aforementioned good elements, the movie doesn't really work. The main problem with it is that it's much too slow-moving and padded out for its own good. Yes, time should be devoted to set up the situation and the characters, but the movie takes way too long with this. After a while, you'll be impatient and snapping at the movie to simply get on with it. If you are really patient, you'll be eventually rewarded with a somewhat wild climax, but I don't think it's enough compensation for the slow and dreary time that unfolded just before it, especially since the special effects in this sequences are kind of cheesy at times.This is definitely not the worst "found footage" movie that's out there - there are some good things in it - but you'll see that it could have been a great deal better than it actually is.
gavondo May contain spoilers.The premise of They're Watching is an entertaining one, and the movie begins with promise. A woman buys a ramshackle house in a remote Moldovan village on an episode of "House Hunters: Global." The crew returns six months later to see what she has done to the place. These are the bones of the film. Unfortunately the film is little more than bones.The thing I hated most about They're Watching was Kate (Carrie Genzel), the angry, spiteful producer of House Hunters. She is an abysmal character. She is supposed to be a terrible character, you're not supposed to like her. But, she is mean without reason- she isn't relatable in any way. Really, all of the characters fall a bit short- underdeveloped and not believable. At one point, cameraman Greg (David Alpay) is awoken by Sarah (Mia Faith) while in the midst of a PTSD-induced nightmare. As angry Moldovans gather around the house, carrying torches and wielding axes, Greg finally opens up about his time in Afghanistan and then they have sex. Beautiful.At least we get some sort of satisfaction in seeing the playful flirting between Sarah and Greg develop into something more tangible, albeit short lived, because the film's conclusion offers no satisfaction at all. Plot deficiencies aside, of which there are not a few, the final scenes of They're Watching rely heavily on CGI and, in so doing, fall woefully short. The effects are intentionally over-the-top. They are comical, but not in a campy, good way. They are comically pathetic, trying to compensate for a total lack of substance. In that vein, throughout the film, barring perhaps only Greg's brief description of Taliban violence (which here serves as a form of foreplay), the dialogue is also devoid of substance. Instead, the script relies upon jeers and profanity directed at the native Moldovans.More reviews:
jtindahouse 'They're Watching' is a very strange viewing experience. It's almost impossible to fully understand what I mean by this without having seen the film yourself, but it's the tone that is utterly bizarre. The film shows immense patience for the first 98% of the run time and then just completely unleashes everything it has in the final 2%. The good news is that both sides of the coin are done well. The build-up is great and handled with class and then the conclusion gives the film some X-factor and memorability.It's a found footage film, which despite copping a lot of flack, is still a very effective film-making method, allowing directors to create a very realistic feel in their films. The cast is unknown (at least to me) and yet perform well with a lot of charisma and chemistry. The story is slow-burning, but more than creepy enough to keep the audience on edge and and knowing that more is going on than meets the eye. The twist at the end is the icing on the cake and tops off a fine horror film very nicely.