R | 23 February 2000 (USA)
Cut Trailers

A group of film students set out to finish filming a movie that was never completed after its director was murdered. After they begin filming, they realize they're in for a bit of trouble, not unlike the late director...

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
GL84 Agreeing to a complete a supposedly-haunted project, a film class begins to suspect the serial-killer subject in their film has come to life and beings stalking them for their efforts to finish the film.On the whole this was quite a decent enough slasher. One of the better parts to this one is the rather impressive amount of work done here on the original film and back-story done, which is done not only through the history with the curse and the problems with the attempts at finishing it but also how the opening works here by showing the fateful incidents which triggered the curse of the disastrous film shoot as well as the great kills highlight this nicely. That carries into the main film shoot itself as the main resurrection here brings the fun of having the true killer interact during filming as everyone is completely oblivious to the true nature of their participant, plenty of mistaken identities in here results in some fine stalking around the set and manages some good moments here. A duel with the doppleganger actor in costume and the chase through the tool-shed are quite enjoyable slasher scenes here which make him out to be quite an imposing physical presence, and there's the big rampage at the end where he's battling with the crew throughout the house for quite some enjoyable battling here that mixes decent kills, fine stalking and brutal brawling into a fine away to end this one overall. There are a few flaws to this one, mainly from the fact that this one's low-budget roots come through quite clearly, mostly with the crew for the movie shoot, the general lack of extras or going around on different locations being forced at the house here for the whole film and the overall presentation throughout here. It's pretty difficult to look at this any other way due to how this looks and feels, which gives this such a troubling facet that it really lowers this. As well, there's also the rather complicated facets associated with the killer here as the origin is pretty off, as he was originally an actor killed on-set in the original set-up yet is claimed to be a supernatural killer based on the people who're trying to film the movie which makes no sense at all. The only other factor against this one is the shortened length, which really feels out of from what it could've been by really rushing through the main sections without really doing a whole lot about it while keeping the finale a bit constrained from what it could've been. These here are the film's biggest issues holding it back.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity and the beginning of a sex scene.
Josh Reardon Alright, so let me start by saying, I found this movie under the "free" in the on demand section. Needless to say, after that my expectations weren't exactly high. But....I must say I was pleasantly surprised. The idea behind the plot was a bit lacking in my opinion. And truthfully didn't make much sense if you ask me. Somehow (without giving much away) a monster is born because it's "created by the idea in the script"...seems a bit out there for me. On the other hand the all original killer looked and acted great on screen. What they lacked in a plot or in Award winning acting is completely made up for as the body count grows height and the plot thickens. To be completely frank, I started out watching what I thought was going to be a terrible old no budget throw away, but by the end found myself on the edge of my seat actually enjoying myself. Honestly, Id recommend it, especially to the blood craving slasher crowd.
LoneWolfAndCub Cut tries to be like most post-Scream slashers tried to be, a spoof of the horror genre that tried to be clever by referencing other famous horror movies. Now, I am not bagging 'Scream,' as I think 'Scream' is a very good horror movie that does a great job of blending horror and comedy. Cut fails on most levels. It has its moments but overall it just does not work out, not even as a "so bad it's good" movie, just a below average one.The first five minutes or so are OK and set the story fairly well, apart from the fact that Kylie Minogue can't really act, and ironically she gets her tongue out, go figure. Go forward some time and a group of film students want to finish her film off, which is apparently cursed. And, as you have probably predicted, one by one the cast and crew are slowly picked off by a masked madman.Unoriginal plot, poor acting and a predictable ending are a few of the elements that follow. There is plenty of referencing in the film, everything from 'Scream' to 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.' This isn't smart either, it feels as though the director wanted to feel smart and cool by mentioning other famous horror flicks ala Scream. For a slasher there is minimal gore and no nudity, which is a huge negative when it comes to a slasher that has not got a whole lot going for it. Really, I should be supporting this movie because I'm Australian and we're not as good when it comes to horror (we do have our gems, though) but Cut is definitely not one of them.However, it did keep me watching for the 90 minutes or so, so that is something good at least. I would not recommend this to anyone apart from hardcore slasher fans, who may be able to appreciate what this film is trying to aim for, but if you are looking for a good movie, stay away.2/5
lost-in-limbo While filming an 80's horror movie called 'Hot Blooded', the director is brutally murdered and the leading lady is scarred as she survives the attack and manages to kill murderer. After all of this, the production is abandoned and the stock reels are left to gather dust. So a group of filmmakers decide to pick up where the film left off even though they're warned by people to keep away from the film, as the last person who was interested in the flick turned up dead in the cinema while watching the film. From this it's labelled as a cursed production. Not taking these warnings seriously the crew goes ahead with the production and they get the original star of the movie to return from Hollywood to reprise her role, but not as the daughter but the mother. But again the murders start occurring with the cast and crew getting butchered by an unknown figure dressed up as the film's killer.Look what 'Scream' started! Hey, I enjoy those films, but mostly everything else that followed on afterwards were annoying and pointless excuses. During this stage the sub-genre came back with vengeance, but it wasn't much of a good thing as they were mostly unsuccessful and unoriginal attempts, where they followed the derivative pattern of the Scream franchise. 'Cut' which is an independent Australian take on the textbook slasher genre is purely shonky garbage that lacks basically everything and shamelessly knocks off every other slasher flick. But you know what, I found it a cheesy delight. Yeah, It's gawd awful and highly forgettable, but it's a bit of ala good cheap fun while it lasted. Although I did hate it when I originally came across it, but the second time around I knew what I was getting myself into and it worked better for it. It was just like helping myself to a nice slice cheesecake again, but this time it wasn't so sweet.The film came out around the same time as 'Scream 3' and 'Urban Legends: The Final Cut' did, which all three follow the same structure of using a movie within a movie. 'Scream 3' is obviously the strongest of the three, but I would actually watch this trash over Urban Legends: The Final Cut. Though, it did seem more of a throwback to the 80's slashers than that of one of Scream's bastard offspring. Pretty much the film is given b-grade treatment and that shows up in the script and performances. The dialog is truly unimaginative and hardly comes up with any surprises and suspense. While, the performances are pure mockery and Molly Ringwald takes the crown for it. She plays the wash-up actress returning to finish the cursed flick and I had good fun with her laughably ridiculous send-up performance. She provides the bite here and nails it down perfectly. The rest were mostly recognizable Australian TV stars (that's if you're an Australian) with a ravishing Jessica Napier leading the cast with the likes of Stephen Curry and Frank Roberts. Also pop singer (and supposed actress) Kylie Minogue makes a cameo appearance in the opening just to be hacked up! Nice. These teens mostly followed the formula of horny and dim-witted kids that have nothing better to do but to be killed. Sometimes it feels like they just waiting in queue, because they have no real substance to be there.The plot starts off rather interestingly, then heads into a mystery phase where red herrings pop up, but then it makes a sudden u-turn where it becomes a somewhat satire on the horror genre. Simply it's rather choppy and when it comes to the explanation for all of this madness I was kind of left thinking… oh my. This when it tries to twist back onto itself in a clever manner, but sadly it falls along way. But don't you just love an opening ending. Also it sports some pop culture references and a self referential, tongue-in-cheek approach. Predictability makes its way in rather early and the jokes can become over-stated at times, but it knows that by poking fun at itself quite a bit. The atmosphere looses a bit of edge because of the humour taking away the bleakness, but still the isolated grand old mansion where they are filming has some neat touches that added 'some' spookiness. The cinema scene is done rather nicely too.Now, now we know we want gore and nudity when watching this type of flick, but sadly there's no nudity to be found and the gore is pretty standard, if lacking but it's more then decent for such low-budget flick. There are one or two creative deaths, but the rest are systematic. The killer wasn't bad but when he spoke it kind of hurt it I thought, well the smart-ass attitude didn't sit well with me. Another notes of the production which were dire ranged from the cut-away editing, out-of-place soundtrack and Kimble Rendall's direction lacked execution and was pretty careless, but these contributing factors pull together to add some sort of sheer entertainment to all of this badness.The imagination matches the budget that's for sure, but heck this lousy slasher wasn't trying to be anything else. Pure schlock that's slightly amusing!