Vampire's Kiss
Vampire's Kiss
R | 17 September 1988 (USA)
Vampire's Kiss Trailers

A publishing executive is visited and bitten by a vampire and starts exhibiting erratic behavior. He pushes his secretary to extremes as he tries to come to terms with his affliction.

Executscan Expected more
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
lomaxandy-74504 I have seen films where he does over the top acting and its never entertaining but in this film however, it is so funny! This film is in the so bad its good movies since it is supposed to be a Drama/Horror film but it fails at both, this film just feels like a Comedy which is not a bad thing if you see it that way. I give this film a bad score for failing at its genre it was trying to give but I was still entertained. I recommend this movie as a Comedy, not as a horror/drama film.GO SEE IT!
mdavidson-83436 The beginning of this movie was like a slow burning of the eyes and ears. Nicholas Cage's character is strange, but misses the mark when it comes to actual comedy. Fortunately, if you can sit through the first three-quarters of the movie, which consist mostly of Nicholas Cage getting angry at his assistant over missing files, then you might just get to see the somewhat redeemable ending.
SnoopyStyle Peter Loew (Nicolas Cage) is a Manhattan literary agent and Alva Restrepo (Maria Conchita Alonso) is his suffering assistant. He party all night and goes to therapist Dr. Glaser. A bat gets in his apartment during a night with a girl which he finds arousing. Another night, he brings Rachel (Jennifer Beals) home from a club. She shows her fangs and feeds on him. He continues to let her feed night after night. He becomes erratic and thinks he's turning into a vampire himself.Cage is going over the top with his performance. The problem is that Peter treats Alva so poorly even before being bite. It's hard to care about him at all. It's fascinating to see Cage overact sometimes but I don't see him hounding Alva as being funny. Maybe if he isn't so mean to Alva early on.
crgilbert7 What an underrated gem! If you are a fan of Nicolas Cage, this is a must see. Without him, this movie would be awful. Without Nic's tour de force performance this would be a movie you would turn off after the first five minutes of watching it. His performance makes you really wonder how his career would have turned out if he continued to do comedies like this and Raising Arizona. I for one think his career would have been just as successful, if not more. He is absolutely hilarious; every line makes you laugh hysterically. If I had to give this film a letter grade.. Hmm, let me think.. A? B? C? D? E? F? G? H? I? J? K…? Okay, you get the point. (A+ Comedy)