Ninjas vs. Vampires
Ninjas vs. Vampires
| 29 October 2010 (USA)
Ninjas vs. Vampires Trailers

Vampires kidnap the girl of Aaron's dreams, leading him to track down and join an elusive clan of ninjas who battle the blood suckers nightly.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
K V I was just going to rate this a 1 and move on, without wasting my time on review, but then I noticed there was a review that gave this trash a 10. So here we go.I actually watched about 15 minutes before starting to fast forward at 2x, then 4x and finally 8x. I dig Ninjas, I dig Vampires, I don't dig bad camera angles and shaky action scenes.Writing is bad. So bad, I was catching myself looking out the window, watching grass grow, instead of watching the movie.Acting is bad.If story was good, or lines well written, I could overlook it. As it is, acting is bad, and there is no reason to watch it.Directing is bad.I have seen student movies done better.OK, I wasted enough of my time on this review I didn't want to write in first place.Don't see this movie, its a waste of time. You can thank that 10 rating review that motivated me to take 5 minutes to write this in hopes of saving some poor sucker from falling for it.
Archie Falcon This "movie" was uncomfortable at best. The premise would allow for a fantastic thrill ride of adventure. Who doesn't like ninjas? At first I thought that this could have been a guilty pleasure or at least an over sexualized 90 minute romp with ninjas. This is the movie equivalent of your creepy uncle making a sexual remark about his underage daughter at a family reunion.From the casting to costumes to weird gimmicks like enchanted windows, this was a total flop.The fight scenes alone express how stupid the director thinks the viewers are.
ghostrider2k As others have already stated; the movie is not bad and does look like a bunch of friends made but they had FUN while doing it. The writing was well and the dialog was better and more on queue (ie natural)than a lot of high budget movies these days. Anyone remember the first season of Buffy? This is about on par except they didn't have that great of a camera. No knock against Joss Whedon, but the dialog, while having its over the top cheesy parts, was very natural. They act like people that have been around each other long enough to say the things they do. And yes, if you do not know a lot of popular culture references you may be lost, but much to your own detriment. For what it was and what they had to work with, I have enjoyed this much more than a lot of the newer movies produced by large production companies. The weapon usage was also better than most you see on TV in popular series today. If you like campy dialog, ie Army of Darkness, Buffy, etc. and just good old action, give this movie a shot, you may be pleasantly surprised.
starcry The only complaint I had for ninja's vs Zombies was its slow pacing at times and being overly long. Both of these problems have been fixed in this film and its very apparent the director is growing.It is still grade B horror, or indie as they are calling them these days, but it has a fun plot tons of great fight scenes and some good laughs.I you are looking for big screen production values I am afraid you may need to look elsewhere as the money spent to make this is not massive, however if you give it a chance I think you will be very happy with it.Be sure to keep an eye on both this series and the director as I expect one or the other to be making it to the big screen one day!