R | 05 October 1979 (USA)
10 Trailers

A Hollywood songwriter goes through a mid-life crisis and becomes infatuated with a sexy blonde newlywed.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
FilmCriticLalitRao Director Blake Edwards has made numerous comedy films which have compelled viewers to have a good laugh about their weaknesses.'The Party' is considered to be one of his most successful films.It featured British comedy actor Peter Sellers.In the making of '10',it seems that Blake Edwards has tried to recreate his winning formula but this film about the handling of the midlife crisis by a nerdy musician fails badly as it was not able to differentiate between lust and love.What might irk viewers the most is that this film's midlife crisis segment has been handled in a very amateurish manner. 10 is a comedy with a difference but it is not a slapstick genre comedy.The entire film is aimed at letting viewers know how a man is able to choose between naked women and true love ? Apart from feeling of admiration found in men as well as women,Blake Edwards' 10 tells that there is a voyeur in all of us.It is because of this voyeur that there is also a mad man in all of us.In the film,it is British actor Dudley Moore who plays both parts with reckless abandon.
atlasmb Having never been a fan of Blake Edwards, nevertheless I had to see this film when it came out in 1979. It was one of those "it" movies due to the buzz surrounding its release (like "The Exorcist" or "Jaws"). The mystique was about the young woman who played the titular role. What or who was a real "10"--the embodiment of female perfection? It was Bo Derek who famously played Jenny, the object of Dudley Moore's middle-age fascination. The film put both of them on the map. Though Dudley was known for "Foul Play", "10" made him a household name in America.The film also placed two other items in the public consciousness. After the film, Bo's hairstyle became a (somewhat unfortunate) fashion trend. And Ravel's Bolero became known as music to make love to.The film is well written and well made. It also features some nice performances by Brian Dennehy, as an affable bartender, and Dee Wallace (an under-rated actress) as Moore's failed one night stand. Julie Andrews--wife of Blake Andrews--plays the woman Moore leaves at home while on his tropical getaway.But the story centers around Moore's obsession with Bo and the surprising outcome of that relationship. The film may not be a "10", but it gets high marks.
SnoopyStyle Popular songwriter George Webber (Dudley Moore) turns 42. He tells his singer girlfriend Samantha Taylor (Julie Andrews) that his life started at 40. He's having a midlife crisis. He is constantly fixated on young women. He follows one in particular who is a bride on her way to her wedding. Jenny Miles (Bo Derek) is the daughter of a prominent Beverly Hills dentist. He is struggling with the constant orgy next door, problems with Sam and drilling Jenny's father for information which leads to six cavities. He becomes fixated on Jenny and even follows the newlyweds on their honeymoon in Mexico.George is utterly sad, pathetic and not always funny. He just isn't adorable like his character in 'Arthur'. They're both sleazy sex fiends but there's a meanness in George. Whereas Arthur is self-destructive, George is simply selfish. It's not quite as appealing. Also Arthur has a soul mate which Julie Andrews isn't playing in this movie. I'm probably less attracted to her character here more than anything. There are moments of fun but they are fleeting.
AaronCapenBanner Bo Derek became a huge star as the perfectly cast "10" of the title, a young woman named Jenny on her honeymoon, who is relentlessly pursued by an older man(played by Dudley Moore) who is fascinated by her. She gets to know him better when he saves her new husband's life, after he falls asleep and nearly drowns off the beaches of Mexico. She is grateful to him, and learns that his name is George Webber, a composer who has recently turned 42, and already has a girlfriend(played by Julie Andrews). She has an open relationship with her husband, and doesn't mind fulfilling George's fantasy about her once...Though portrayed as shallow, I found Jenny the only thing about this dreary, self-indulgent, and overlong film that is worth watching. Not that funny either, despite Dudley Moore's repeated pratfalls. The most I can rate this film is a "4".