The Kid
The Kid
PG | 07 July 2000 (USA)
The Kid Trailers

Powerful businessman Russ Duritz is self-absorbed and immersed in his work. But by the magic of the moon, he meets Rusty, a chubby, charming 8-year-old version of himself who can't believe he could turn out so badly – with no life and no dog. With Rusty's help, Russ is able to reconcile the person he used to dream of being with the man he's actually become.

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
brad38237 I am not a movie reviewer. This is a very enjoyable movie. Why did it cost $65 million to make this movie?
SnoopyStyle Russ Duritz (Bruce Willis) is a successful 40 year old L.A. image consultant. Janet (Lily Tomlin) is his secretary. His assistant Amy (Emily Mortimer) is concerned about his latest job. While stuck in a traffic jam, he is almost hit by a fly biplane but then the plane is gone. He finds a red toy plane and a boy (Spencer Breslin) in his apartment. He chases the kid and he disappears. The boy reappears at his apartment claiming to be Rusty. It dawns on Russ that Rusty is his younger self.The idea is OK and the execution is fine. It's a little hard to feel for Russ. It may be easier to feel for him if he is suffering as an adult. His adult character is too hard and cold. I don't think Bruce Willis projects the right persona at the start. He could suffer panic attacks and Rusty helps him overcome them. This is a simple story and it mostly almost works.
snmeesala101 The Kid is a lot more enjoyable than the cover makes it out to be. This isn't your average inspirational Disney classic. The Kid charms its way through all audiences from the comedy lovers to the critics. I must however to two downsides. There might be times were the conversations sometimes runs flat and the rules of the phenomenon may some draw confusion. However, it is barely noticeable next to the impressive balance clean humor and good storytelling. It has a way to suck everyone into the dynamics of the plot. The Kid has something for everyone to enjoy. Overall, it is a guaranteed memorable movie! So if you are looking for a feel good movie or just something to watch with the folks, the you've got the perfect movie!
Benjamin Wolfe Now for sure, this is one of the lightest-hearted stories that Bruce Willis has been in to date and yet,-- it is still touching. I really like Bruce's style and persona, I haven't loved everything he has ever been in, but he brings it to the 'Big-time' for me in most all his film endeavors.The story begins..... He is power, confidence and style with a capitol 'S' . He drives a Porshe he lives well, in a palatial estate with a grand view of the fair city. That's Russell Duritz. He is an image consultant to those who are on the top or rising to it. His acclaim, he is Russell Duritz, he knows what it takes to make it. It just seems that as life is going along swiftly and foundation-ally set, there is a problem, an intruder at his home, the alarm has been activated! Russell can't seem to figure out (for the moment) what is happening to him. It's different and yet it is somehow familiar. A small boy, who looks exactly like....-- him. As their lives run smack dab into each other, there seems to be a reason that is screaming out to him, "You have unfinished business to take care of, now!"Amy the supporting young lady of the story is probably the best balance that he has seen and has in his life. She works with him, puts up with his 'ego' and yet, she is smitten with Russell. Very much so. With Rusty his past 'self' now in the picture and talking a mile a minute, singing too late at night, everything that was foundational is becoming like jelly! Willis is fun, egocentric and at times out of his head in this lovable Disney modern times classic 'The Kid' and to add his little heavy-duty side kick Spencer Breslin is a perfect addition to this sparkling story of childhood to adult and back to childhood adventure. Chi McBride is an inspirational supporting character, as he is the heavy-weight champ, teaching 'little' Rusty how to box to defend himself against the bullies on the playground. All in all this is a real winner of a movie with even Lillie Tomlin as the secretary and aide to Russell. I originally saw this back in 2000' and then again years later, with equal enjoyment. This is a shiny family comedy that has a super ending that will warm the hearts of any Disney fan Recommended highly (*****)