Death at a Funeral
Death at a Funeral
R | 17 August 2007 (USA)
Death at a Funeral Trailers

A myriad of outrageous calamities befalls an eccentric English clan with more than a few skeletons in its closets when the family's patriarch dies an unexpected death.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Mihai Toma When Daniel's father passes away, the whole family reunites at the mansion but the whole event is going to be disturbed by a small character who doesn't have the best intentions. Add up the fact that almost everyone has a secret or a problem of his own and you get a huge mess to enjoy. Will they be able to finish the ceremony or will there be another tragedy waiting to happen?It's the exact same plot as the movie with the same name from 2010 (yes, I've seen that one first) the only difference being the location. It's slow paced as the other one in the beginning until it introduces all its characters but when the action comes in (a bit later than I hoped) you simply cannot stop laughing. They managed to create a laughable atmosphere at a grim and sad event such as a funeral, fact which makes you appreciate their talent even more. The entire plot runs in the same location, all the characters trying to figure out multiple problems at once and failing miserably, thus provoking amusement. It's a comedy so don't expect miracles in terms of story but the actors do a very good job in keeping you entertained while the events, although some expected and stereotypical, create a good overall blend. It's a very good comedy, no doubt about it, but also nothing to blow your mind.
SnoopyStyle Daniel (Matthew Macfadyen) and his wife Jane (Keeley Hawes) live in his father's home. Jane is eager to pay the deposit for their new flat. The father dies and they hold the funeral at the home. The day starts off badly when the wrong body arrives. Friends Howard (Andy Nyman) and Justin (Ewen Bremner) pick up Uncle Alfie. Justin is only there to chase after Martha. Daniel's cousin Martha (Daisy Donovan) is moving in with Simon (Alan Tudyk). Sandra (Jane Asher) is the widowed wife and Robert (Rupert Graves) is the self-obsessed writer son who refuses to do the eulogy or pay for his half of the funeral. Everybody wants the successful writer Robert to do the eulogy. Martha innocently takes a pill from her pharmacy student brother Troy (Kris Marshall) for Simon. It's a drug specially designed by Troy and Simon doesn't react well. Along with a cavalcade of family and friends, mysterious stranger Peter (Peter Dinklage) shows up with a secret about the father although Daniel keeps ignoring him.This is a fine British farce. There are some fun wacky stuff in here but no big laughs. The actors work well together. They are all good at inhabiting their roles and make each one memorable. It's a lot of chuckle worthy individual performances especially Tudyk.
Rameshwar IN Reviewed July 2011What are the odds at watching two movies involving midgets in pivotal roles back to back? To my experience British comedies have been excellent in the 2000s. Death at a Funeral is almost a classic comedy baring a few misfires. The entire story takes place during a funeral ceremony where the eccentric family members and the friends deal with a dark secret of the deceased. It has an extensive use of pot and poo jokes as the latter was a bit disgusting and out of place for the setting. Performances were apt and subtle by most even while expressing their eccentric best and the story never lags. Special mention should go to Alan Tudyk who gets accidentally drugged with a hallucinogenic pill. It is definitely an enjoyable comedy with quite a few very awkward moments and a heart in the right place.
Sandeep Gupta Death at a Funeral. When their father's coffin arrive in first scene, they find out that it's the wrong coffin and officials run back to bring the right coffin, you seem to know that nothing right is going to happen in next 90 minutes. As guests start arriving brining their own problems to the funeral ceremony, characters start clashing into each other intentionally or unintentionally, fun and chaos start to unravel. A crisp story not going beyond the house having funeral, comedy which is not slapstick rather quite situational, characters who are serious but are victim of unlikely surprises thrown at them. Movie never tries to do anything fresh but it is quite coherent and works like a little cracker. I am going with good 7 out of 10 for Death at a Funeral. It has nothing anything great but it is quite recommended if you are looking for some harmless fun on a lazy holiday.