Death at a Funeral
Death at a Funeral
R | 15 April 2010 (USA)
Death at a Funeral Trailers

Aaron's father's funeral is today at the family home, and everything goes wrong: the funeral home delivers the wrong body, his cousin accidentally drugs her fiancé, and Aaron's successful younger brother, Ryan, flies in from New York, broke but arrogant. To top it all off, a mysterious stranger wants a word with Aaron.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Carrie Knight I will start with the fact that I did not like the original at all. I see other reviewers loved it. Not a fan of British comedy and thought the premise odd and childish.**Spoiler***Think the premise of killing someone, accidental or not and disposing of the body as humor is flat out insane and shows a lack of compassion that is typical of modern movies and plots.****This cast brought some life to a story line I did not care for. The original left me cold, no laughs, this remake was hysterical! This was a huge improvement because I could relate to it better. Peter Dinklage was great as the same character in both productions but believe the reason I enjoyed this movie was because of the individual talents each actor brought to it.
joan dalton This American version is horrible.I am not known for my sense of humor and generally avoid comedy. The British 2007 production is exquisite. I almost fell out of my chair, I was laughing so hard.This 2010 American remake is just horrible. Contrasting the two makes a person appreciate the contribution of good acting to a production.If you only watch one version, please make that the 2007 British. If you have the time, watch them both, because there's a lesson to be learned in doing so.
Rickting 3 years after the solid Death at a Funeral, an entertaining British comedy, for some reason it was remade in America with the same screenwriter, the same jokes, the same characters and even the same actor playing the dwarf. The tale of bizarre revelations and utter chaos at a funeral was made for British humour without a doubt. The jokes and characters are Americanized here and it doesn't work at all. The performances are fine and Peter Dinklage is still excellent in his role, but this remake is not only incredibly lazy and far too faithful, it's also exhausting and gets the tone completely wrong and while it's occasionally amusing, it's a lot less funny than the original. The film could have worked with different jokes and the decision to copy every single gag from the original makes this a very irritating viewing experience. It's not very funny in the end and although the cast assembled is pretty impressive, they're all miscast since the script and story-line don't really suit them. This is how not to do a remake, and since this was only 3 years after the first one it's honestly difficult to see why this even got made.4/10
smithf05 A comedy that focused on two brothers and their relationship with the decease. Chris Rock and Martin Lawrence encountered difficulties through out the entire funeral that some what changed their lives. Anything that you could think of probably went wrong that day, but the brothers tried everything to get through everything that tried to stand in their way. The brothers found out some astonishing information about the decease that they did not want to be released at no cost. Trying to keep this secret caused some difficulties that could have cost them a lot more than they where prepared for. This film was not some of Chris and Martin's best work, but I did get a few chuckles out of it. I usually enjoy movies that Chris and Martin make but I guess it is a little more difficult when the movie is a remake; although I did not see the original.