PG-13 | 27 September 1991 (USA)
Deceived Trailers

The murder of a museum curator places art dealer Jack Saunders under suspicion for selling forged treasures to museums. When Jack suddenly dies in a car crash, his wife Adrienne tries to discover what he did on her own. She finds that she knew little about the man she was married to. The more she learns about her husband's possible illegal activities and double life, the more she places her daughter, and herself, in grave danger.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
clintstevens I was in the mood to watch an exciting who-done-it, so I picked this old Goldie Hawn flick, 'Deceived'. I was deceived, all right! It started off promising, then veered into the land of absurdity. The villain can be spotted almost immediately, so it is no longer 'who' done it, but why'd he do it.It always amuses me how the heroine puts herself in harm's way. If you are a lone female and come to an apartment with an open door, contents strewn everywhere, would you continue searching the rooms? I think not. Goldie's character does it multiple times. I understand that these movies are fiction and there has to be danger involved for the main character, but it still is not at all believable.I won't delve into the plot and give anything away, but I will quote two lines at the film's conclusion between the main character and the 'bad guy' to show the caliber of the story.'Are you going to kill me too?''I am going to kiss you. Then I will kill you, because that's love, too.''Nuff said. Five stars because the movie DID keep my interest and I watched it to the bitter end, but I wish it had been a nine or ten star effort
LeonLouisRicci Goldie Hawn and John Herd aspire to make this a Thrilling Thriller but are Deceived by a Script that Promises much more than it Delivers in Terms of Storytelling or Cinematic Surprises. Truth is the Story is Unbelievable and Unconvincing with its Contrivances Sabotaging Logic and it "Twists" so Telegraphed that the Result is a Resounding Thud.It's a Watchable Movie with just Enough Professionalism to Propel it to its Standard Chase Ending that in the Warehouse (Yikes) goes on for ever. Hawn is up for Her Dramatic Turn and Herd is Creepy even when He isn't Playing a Certified Creep, so that Helps.The Cute as Pie Daughter may have too much Screen Time that gets in the way of the Rhythm, but is Well Cast and She does some Fine Acting of Her Own. She is the Driving Pathos of the Narrative but it is Heavy Handed. Worth a Watch but be Prepared for Familiarity and Clunkiness. It's all just too Average and Apparent on the Surface to be Totally Satisfying.
gridoon2018 The cover of this movie has a quote from some critic who says "If you like Hitchcock, you'll love "Deceived"". I say "if you like thrillers where you can tell who the bad guy is just by looking at the title and the cast, you'll love "Deceived"". John Heard gives a solid and creepy performance as the duplicitous husband, but there is no transformation - he's creepy right from the start. His "resurrection" after his supposed death must be one of the most unshocking "shocks" in thriller history. Goldie Hawn looks good (it's amazing that she was in her mid-40s when she made this!) but her performance lacks the Goldie Hawn spark; I understand that she chose this role to "play it straight", but she may have played it TOO straight. The movie is tiresome and predictable, but the New York location shooting and Thomas Newman's score help it a little. ** out of 4.
merklekranz John Heard is the supposedly deceased husband of Goldie Hawn. Of course things are not as they seem, and the confusing plot is riddled with loopholes and a profound lack of logic. There are way too many coincidences that appear out of nowhere. With all the effort Hawn puts into learning Heard's true identity, you would think she would wise up and run to the police. Even as bodies pile up, the detective work is inexplicably left up to Goldie. "Deceived" is not a bad movie, but it really isn't something I would recommend, unless you are a big fan of either John Heard or Goldie Hawn. They both do their best with a script that stretches believability beyond reason. - MERK