Message in a Bottle
Message in a Bottle
PG-13 | 22 February 1999 (USA)
Message in a Bottle Trailers

A woman finds a romantic letter in a bottle washed ashore and tracks down the author, a widowed shipbuilder whose wife died tragically early. As a deep and mutual attraction blossoms, the man struggles to make peace with his past so that he can move on and find happiness.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
SnoopyStyle Theresa Osborne (Robin Wright) is a newspaper researcher and single mom. While on vacation, she finds a bottle with a poetic note about a lost love. Every women is fascinated, and she goes in search of the origins of the message in a bottle. She finds Garret Blake (Kevin Costner) still haunted by his dead love Catherine. He's living with his father Dodge (Paul Newman). She doesn't tell him about the messages and they fall in love.This is the first movie based on a Nicholas Sparks novel. There are some amazing actors at work here. However, it really struggles to find some real emotions and real chemistry. Theresa is basically a heat seeking missile. She just can't stop smiling at him. This is clunky melodrama of the highest order. His fight with Catherine's in-laws held potential, but it's not enough. These people are just not real. The whole movie including the music, the directing, the conflict, the dialog, and the performances are all driving relentlessly to unabashed unsurprising sentimentality.
smoore140 If you are planning on watching this movie. Do not read the book or you will be disappointed. Because I read the book first, I can't get past giving this movie a 5. It fallowed the book about 10% of the time. The book, in my opinion was way better.The book states that Garrett is younger then Theresa. However in the movie it is visibly noticeable that Garrett is older then Theresa. Which bothers me greatly.The movie, by itself, was a good movie. It is not top on my Nickolas Sparks movie list though.
JWJanneck SPOILER AHEAD.Imagine this scenario: You are a guy who just had great sex with a hot woman you met a little while back and that you really like, the beginning of a steamy relationship. While she gets cleaned up, you rifle through her stuff to find that you apparently did not meet her by chance as you had thought before, but that she had found some old love letters you wrote to a previous love of yours, and apparently was so taken by them that she tracked you down, romanced you, and, just a few minutes ago, screwed the living daylights out of you. Okay, imagine that? So here's the question: What would a guy in this situation do? If your answer is something like "get all emotional, pack his bags and run away in a huff", then you (a) are most likely a woman and (b) might like this movie.For everybody else who has just the faintest inkling of how men actually work (which somewhat surprisingly does not seem to include the apparently heterosexual male who authored this story, although there is always the possibility that he's just playing to his audience), this is just one cliché too far in a chic flick riddled with bad, bad romanticky stereotypes, super-corny acting, and dull by-the-numbers predictable storytelling.The one faint ray of light in this stinker is Paul Newman --- his role isn't a very big one, it isn't very well written, but he does with it what he can. It's not enough to make this worthwhile, though. Avoid.
gtsavdar I'm wondering why this movie got only 5.7/10 from IMDb reviewers??OK there is not a car exploding every single minute and there are not gunfires with plasma weapons to destroy huge buildings, but still....I'm afraid people's criteria of what a good movie is, well are wrong. :)Yes i know democracy et al, but how can people give to such good movies such low ratings? All actors act very decently, you couldn't anyway expect differently from Costner or Newman, and the story is original. A great love and drama story! And it's not one of the usual ones where the plot is a straight road, boy meets girl, boy loves girl, some fight in the middle and in the end we have a good ending where everyone is happy. This was a plot that can happen in real life.The music was great also! Very touching. So yeah it's a disgrace of people's criteria IMO.