The Human Experience
The Human Experience
PG-13 | 12 June 2008 (USA)
The Human Experience Trailers

The story of a band of brothers who travel the world in search of the answers to the burning questions: Who am I? Who is Man? Why do we search for meaning? Their journey brings them into the middle of the lives of the homeless on the streets of New York City, the orphans and disabled children of Peru, and the abandoned lepers in the forests of Ghana, Africa. What the young men discover changes them forever. Through one on one interviews and real life encounters, the brothers are awakened to the beauty of the human person and the resilience of the human spirit.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Kristina Gee I have never left a review for anything but after seeing some reviews on here I was compelled to do so. I think the most part is the cast!!! Here are some boys who had nothing. No future or parents to guide them and teach. The St. Francis house gives these boys a place to call home and a new start! some direction and help. These guys come from nothing and had a chance to see parts of the world with much more suffering then they could have ever imagined. So, because of that many of you criticize them? Because they are not scholars and professionals? To have to have this opportunity is a blessing. I can't even explain how happy it makes me that they were chosen for this opportunity. The smiles on their faces even when they have nothing in a world where material defines ones character and happiness. I know these young men will spend the rest of their lives making a difference in this world and contributing to others in need. This film was AMAZING!! I text all my family members to watch especially the younger generation and donated to the st. Francis house:) I pray for all these people and that God continues to bless them in their paths and continue to use them in making a difference. DO WATCH!!!
christinepennacchio This documentary follows the travels of a group of young men from Brooklyn who sought to better understand what defines the human experience. They started their journey in New York where they lived in a homeless community during the coldest week of the year. Next, they traveled to Peru where they assisted hospitalized children with special medical needs. Finally, they ventured out of their comfort zone to befriend men and women with HIV/AIDS and patients in a leper colony in Ghana. Everything in this film was true, and the filmmakers really let the beauty of life shine forth, especially by showing their own lives in such a vulnerable way. This story was truly inspirational and reminds us that, no matter how different people may be in culture, religion, or background, they are all human and deserve the love of others. Additionally, the score for this film was excellently suited for the content and really made the experience even more rich. I highly recommend this film!
Alec West Any film that exposes the lives of those not as fortunate as their more mainstream counterparts is a worthwhile film. However, after watching it, I was left with a sobering truth - that this was a film about two people who had the power to "go back" to their normal lives after it was all over ... interviewing others who knew it.I'd actually like to see such a film done again. Only the next time, I'd like to see it done "Candid Camera" style where the interviewees are unaware they're in the spotlight - and where the interviewers appear to be persons in the same situation. I think the reactions of those interviewed would be different and far more honest.
Kris Elizabeth If you're looking for just another documentary that offers a hackneyed plot with second-rate visuals, I suggest you look someplace else because this is not the film for you. The Human Experience has it all: a remarkable selection of music, striking images, a compelling story, and an unforgettable cast. The superb camera work facilitates the connection between the audience and the actors; I felt as if I too shared the journey! I was particularly intrigued by the execution of the message, which is conveyed in a matter that appeals to those of all religions or walks of life. With commentaries from a rabbi, a scientist, and other religious and academic experts, the film offers their perspectives on the meaning of life to deepen the understanding of the human spirit. Honestly, I cannot simply pinpoint my single favorite segment of the movie, however, there is a particular scene with Michael Campo recalling a humorous incident with his second grade teacher which is by far a great addition to the film. Not only does it add a bit of comic relief, it reminds the audience that these are real people and not simply characters crafted for the sake of making a movie. I have viewed this film on numerous occasions with family and friends, and the responses that I have witnessed all gravitate toward the single notion of appreciation; An appreciation for life, for love, for family and friends, for faith, and for everything that comes in between. There is an unquestionable beauty in simplicity and the film undoubtedly communicates this idea. What I take from this film is that of several things of which I, like many, have taken for granted. How many of us go through our days without taking a moment to reflect and cherish the things that are irreplaceable? I'm referring to the things that which many label subconsciously as being a permanent part of our lives, when in reality can be easily taken away in a matter of seconds. Relationships, whether they may be short-term or long-term, impact our lives; It is essential that we recognize and appreciate these ties to continue to grow and live a life that is abundantly nourished, loved, as well as creating an ever-lasting peace within our hearts. For those of you that have not viewed this film, I ask of one simple request: watch it with a heart wide open.