Life in a Day
Life in a Day
PG-13 | 27 January 2011 (USA)
Life in a Day Trailers

A documentary shot by filmmakers all over the world that serves as a time capsule to show future generations what it was like to be alive on the 24th of July, 2010.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
omar_hima Most of people are not attracted to documentaries , but after seeing this movie i guarantee you will become a fan of this kind . Life in a day is a cinematic experience that attempts to capture what life looks like around the whole world in one day which is ( 24th of July,2010), thousands of videos were recorded from all the world - even from Egypt !- and were sent to the filmmakers whom they made a great effort to produce such a documentary . The movie is engaging from the first scene to the end , although there are different people , languages and cultures but it goes in a brilliant harmonic sequence . I strongly recommend this movie , it will extract your deep inner feelings of love , peace and happiness .
Luke Vials I watched the film a life in a day as part of my A2 media course at college. The film focuses on the 24th July 2010 and what average, normal everyday people from all corners of the globe get up to in their life over the course of a 24 hour period. My first impressions of the film were that I had never experienced a documentary like this before. The producers used an unorthodox approach to filming with no narration which would be expected in a documentary. I would not have chosen to watch it but overall am glad I did. I do feel that there were many good features of the film. For example it allowed us to experience how people lived all over the world. We had an insight to cultures and traditions which would be highly unlikely to experience in any other way. We listened to people's opinions on subjects such as love and fears. And learned that even though ever human being is unique where ever we are in the world, be it the slums of Mumbai or the bustling cities in the USA we still share the same norms and values when it comes to loving and caring about things like family. Also it delivers a complete range of life experiences from birth (a baby giraffe is born) to the tragic death of people in the love parade. However it is not flawless. In places I found it to be tedious and dull. It often lingered for too long on clips that were not particularly interesting and on clips that I felt were very interesting were over far too quickly. A perfect example was the little shoe shine boy in a far eastern country I would have liked to see his life more however we didn't. In my opinion overall I enjoyed life in a day even though in some sections of the film it could become repetitive and tedious in places. It was interesting witnessing all the different cultures and how they lived their lives but sometimes it got boring. The best bits of the film I feel were when the people talked about their views on life and it was interesting to see the contrast on opinions in different areas on the planet.
Josh Anderson The idea of taking footage from people all over the world is a novel approach to a documentary. It creates an extremely candid and objective look into normal real life in our magnificent world. I have traveled a little bit in my life, but a film like this still makes me feel like I still haven't the slightest clue what billions of people live like in the world. I want to watch this like 3 more times just to try and take it all in. Though I'm sure the editors had a massive job cutting down the submissions into this feature length, I still feel like watching this was like drinking from a fire hose. From eating and working to religious practices and play times, from people's fears to people's loves you see a remarkable representation of life on earth in one day. The downside to this film is that, because of its candidness, you see some of the horrors of life like cancer, people being trampled to death at a festival, a man who has just had open heart surgery. But it is balanced by the beauty and adventure of life: birth, children at play, etc. At the end you will be left feeling like even if you are no one famous, or you don't have much going on in life, you are part of this planet and your story is as significant as everyone else's. I have a feeling we will be seeing more documentaries and movies made like this, incorporating average people's footage.
rbferre How many times have you wondered how a human being lives in another city of this planet? Not something we see in the movies, just a regular, ordinary, mundane, and simple human being.How many times have you thought how life is short and how you should do to get the most of it.Well, this movie is about these questions and much more. Using raw footage sent by people from different backgrounds and 192 countries -which makes us think how powerful the media is - it takes to a fascinating journey to witness a long needed reality check. Fascinating in its own way, because the scenes you see are ordinary. And that is what the enchantment is... art from the ordinary.It is not a reality show, nor a fictional movie. Life in a Day is just... Life. With all frustrations , discoveries, sadness, and hopes. Just life.I watched this movie not expecting too much. And boy was I wrong - this kept me mesmerized for 94 minutes. And at the end, you will ask yourself if you are doing the best from your existence in this planet. Not to be missed!