The Cove
The Cove
PG-13 | 31 July 2009 (USA)
The Cove Trailers

The Cove tells the amazing true story of how an elite team of individuals, films makers and free divers embarked on a covert mission to penetrate the hidden cove in Japan, shining light on a dark and deadly secret. The shocking discoveries were only the tip of the iceberg.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
sparklingwater-37701 I watched this documentary yesterday at night. Honestly, the title is everything i want to say. Why in the hell, Americans and Australians who don't have culture in themselves think they have right to tell what the Japanese should and should not eat??Seriously people....America and Australia are the 2 top meat lover nations, we know it, you know it, it is the fact. You telling Japanese "well, dolphin are affectionate, they are intelligent too. They are beautiful, so killing dolphin is sin" I mean who the heck will listen you?? Hellooooo? You love burgers, sausages, bacon, ham, BBQ on Sunday?? Turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas? You have to have meat on every day and God knows exactly how many animals are killed yearly for those two countries....and yet you tell Japan "Hey, you guys are in bloody business! Stop it now!!"You are just arrogant....If you are saying "dolphin are intelligent, beautiful creatures, so they shouldn't be killed. Cows, pigs, chickens, and other domestic animals are not as intelligent as dolphin. So it is actually okay to farm them, medicate them with anti-biotics and growth hormones and other chemical.." wow you shock me badly. That's exactly what Nazis believed in. People, time to wake up and realize your arrogance attitude towards other culture. I give 2 stars, just because I kind of feel Ric actually loves dolphin even tho his behaviour in Japan is unacceptable. Sea Shepard? Oh hell no, they are bunch of losers, uneducated people with racist views. You all need to watch "Behind 'The Cove'" by director Keiko Yagi. Japanese spoke up finally against western arrogance. Wonderful work, Director Yagi!!
Leofwine_draca THE COVE is a documentary that goes hand in hand with the excellent BLACKFISH in exploring mankind's inhumanity to the creatures of the sea. The focus of this Oscar-winning feature-length effort is on a single cove in Taiji, Japan, where thousands of dolphins are slaughtered every year in order to supply dolphin meat to the markets.You can easily see why this film won all the plaudits: it's so very well constructed. There's a fine mix of interview footage, of background material, of archive material, and of some actual guerrilla-style filmmaking footage of those involved sneaking into the forbidden cove to set up covert filming apparatus. When we finally do see what's been taking place in the cove, right at the climax, it's as shocking and deeply disturbing as you'd expect.Did I enjoy watching THE COVE? No, you can't enjoy something like this, not really. Am I glad I watched it? Yes. Is it thoroughly depressing? Yes. Does it reveal more about how the world works? Yes. And that's the point. Ethical concerns aside, this is an almost perfectly-constructed documentary, one that shocks, saddens, and makes you appreciate those who continue to fight the fight to this day.
knudson313 I've loved dolphins and animals in general my entire life, and when I was 11 years old I was planning to do a dolphin swim during a vacation to Mexico. I was looking more forward to this dolphin swim than just about anything, and had no knowledge of the horrific industry that drives it.So five years ago, just a few months before my vacation, I saw a preview for this film premiering on Animal Planet. I didn't understand the preview much, but knew it had something to do with the killing of dolphins. The next time I saw it, I showed it to my father and asked him what it was about. He didn't exactly tell me, but encouraged me to watch it. I was hesitant since I love dolphins and am very sensitive when it comes to animals, but we agreed to record the premiere and watch it together.So watched we did. I understood everything perfectly, with the help of a little explaining from my parents. By the end, I was crying too hard to even speak and was completely baffled by the cruelty displayed in the film. I canceled my dolphin swim and decided that day that I would never support the captivity of cetaceans. I even started an ultimately unsuccessful blog attempting to raise awareness about it. I'm now 16 and my feelings are the same. I believe that watching this film was a huge jump of maturity for me, it truly changed me as a person. I encourage everyone to view this film and really think about it and what it means. I think that The Cove and other great documentaries about animal cruelty should be shown in schools, and maybe the world would become a better place.
Austin Rizer This documentary was extremely powerful. Although they may have broken Japanese laws, the people behind this film will continue to create changes in global fishing policy. It amazes me how many people have been affected by the corruption of Japanese fishing activity, and the fact that so many dolphins are murdered each year for almost no reason is disgusting and astonishing. Not only is dolphin meat not nutritional nor tasteful in Japanese culture, but the chemical problems associated with it are extremely impactful as well. All in all, this film was very well done and stands for a good message. I have massive respect for the people behind this movement and I hope they continue to enact change in the future.