Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
G | 23 October 1973 (USA)
Jonathan Livingston Seagull Trailers

Jonathan is sick and tired of the boring life in his seagull clan. He rather experiments with new, always more daring flying techniques. Since he doesn't fit in, the elders expel him from the clan. So he sets out to discover the world beyond the horizon in a quest for wisdom.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Steineded How sad is this?
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
tolerford-1 What's it been...39 years. But having the CD brings it all back, and I played it four times this afternoon. The funny thing is I've never liked Neil Diamond. This work in my book is the one thing he's done worthy of the awards for it. Awful conceit about the man. When it came out, I raced after work to catch the early showing, and could hardly stand afterward for how completely moved I was. I knew it would go over like a lead balloon, and it did. It was gone in no time. But boy for us writers and lovers of music. If you have the least smidgen of philosophical spirituality, you will adore the movie, the book and the music. If you have mature children, preteens or teens with high ambition, they'll hug you for it, especially cut #7, Anthem, on the CD. The album back when had voluminous notes of how Diamond went to Hawaii and mulled months over how to best do the book justice. It was nominated or won for cinematography and editing, so you know already it was gorgeous. It brings tears of joy.
Articuno Seagull After getting the book as a Christmas present in 2005, I was so in love with the story that I decided I must also watch the film, exactly one year later the DVD arrived on my doorstep from thing's first, I consider this to be one of my most favourite files, the reason I enjoy it is because to me it's very symbolic and the film includes all of my true loves; the sea, sky and gulls. I often warn people about this film before showing it to them because it's seriously a matter of personal taste. The average person probably wouldn't be interested in this.I absolutely love the music and I now have the soundtrack, together with the beautiful photography, the nature scenes and gulls, I believe it was a work of art, a masterpiece. So deep.. I've now watched it about 20 times or more and still never bored of it!Call me crazy but I cannot get enough this, I know the story inside out.. I know that it's a metaphor but the fact is, it's still based on gulls! That's what really makes it enjoyable for me, because I never get tired of watching birds, especially my beloved gulls..The plot is simple, not confusing. Jonathan sees more to life than just fighting for fish all day long, he wants to learn how to master the gift of flight. (In real life, gulls and other birds actually do fly for fun.) He wants to take flying to new levels, he wants to reach the top (literally) and surpass everyone below, for they aren't thinking any further and don't even want to. Jonathan expands his knowledge on flight throughout life and beyond, meeting very few gulls like him and teaching others the joy of learning. It's inspirational because as the book suggests, Jonathan lives within us all and we can so easily relate to him wanting to do what he wants to do, and dealing with "peer pressure" almost, the other gulls put him down and tell him that his learning is wrong. This often happens to us in real life, some people are weak and go with the crowd while others continue to be themselves.One thing about this film that eeks me, the fact that so many people compare it to a Christian's story.. about heaven and Jesus and all, but really those are the type of people who see the bible's story EVERYWHERE THEY LOOK. This is NOTHING to do with Christianity (if anything, the devil chanting at the end of the film shows that stereotypical Christians are discriminative, and you're better off NOT listening to their silly rules!)Besides that, watching this film always brings me to life, like Jonathan, my passion is flying. I really cannot get enough of those beautiful flying parts and the whole thing is something I hold close to my heart.OK I admit I may be a little biased because I'm absolutely gull crazy... I don't think there are any gull nuts who wouldn't enjoy this.
jtp21455 This painfully boring movie was the worst movie i had ever saw until UFO-Target Earth came out in 1974, i actually fell asleep in my chair at the movie house while trying to watch this..It was cheap made, and really had no kind of plot or storyline whatsoever!! I don't usually walk out of a movie i had paid to see, but this sorry thing was just too much for me...I never read the book this was supposed to be about, but it had to have been better than the movie, in the 33 years since it was made, i have never heard anyone mention it again... so that must very indicitive of just how bad this movie was.
ccthemovieman-1 Great soundtrack, great visuals, somewhat confusing and disappointing storyline.I always thought this was Neil Diamond's best work. He sang the soundtrack, and it's filled with great songs that he did exceptionally well.The photography is beautiful and the scenes as mellow as you can find: a seagull gracefully gliding through the air surrounded by beautiful seascapes, sunsets, billowy clouds.....just magnificent scenery.On the negative side is the usual New Age "look within yourself" theology. This is pure Secular Humanism. I say this because some people thought this was a Christian film and it is not. It only confuses people because there are analogies that could easily apply to Jesus, to the Pharisees and to Heaven itself. It was a bunch of mixed messages but author Richard Bach, from whose book this movie is based on, leaves no doubt near the end of the movie - or the screenwriters did, if they changed his book.Still, a peaceful, calming movie that is unique.