The Longest Day
The Longest Day
PG | 04 October 1962 (USA)
The Longest Day Trailers

The retelling of June 6, 1944, from the perspectives of the Germans, US, British, Canadians, and the Free French. Marshall Erwin Rommel, touring the defenses being established as part of the Reich's Atlantic Wall, notes to his officers that when the Allied invasion comes they must be stopped on the beach. "For the Allies as well as the Germans, it will be the longest day"

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
par404 This movie has survived the test of time as still the best WWII movie. For a 3hr movie holds you all the way.
Ross622 This movie is one of the finest war movies that I've ever seen and unlike most movies that i've seen about the D-Day invasion this one goes into much more detail despite some inaccuracies that frustrated the real people even General Eisenhower walked out of this movie when it was being shown in theaters due to inaccuracies. Operation Overlord is frequently associated with Eisenhower as he was the architect of the invasion and during that time he sent fake intelligence to the Germans to trick them about the invasion. The movie also talks about the American soldiers behind the scenes such as Col. Benjamin Vandervoort (John Wayne), Brig. Gen. Norman Cota (Robert Mitchum), Brig. Gen. James m. Gavin (Robert Ryan), Col. Thompson (Eddie Albert), as well as the son of Theodore Roosevelt (Henry Fonda) who was a Brigadier General. The film also tells its story from the British and German perspective with precision and marvelous detail and perfectionism thanks to the direction by Ken Annakin, Andrew Marton, and Berhnard Wicki who directed one of each of the episodes of this movie on such an excellent level. The performances are also excellent and impressive with actors from different parts of the world, and an excellent supporting cast including Richard Burton as British flying officer David Campbell, and along with Mitchum, Fonda, Ryan, and Albert, there is also people like Red Buttons, Roddy McDowall, Jeffery Hunter, Paul Anka, and especially a young Sean Connery who doesn't have that many scenes but makes it count with the amount of screen time he has. Feature films aren't known for accuracy when they're telling real life stories but documentaries are the only ones that are which doesn't bring this movie down one bit. The writing is superb, the performances are top notch,and every person involved made it into a masterpiece that ranks among the best military movies ever made such as "Saving Private Ryan" (1998), "The Great Escape" (1963), "Platoon" (1986), "The Deer Hunter" (1978), "Where Eagles Dare" (1968), as well as many others. This is an essential movie that is required viewing for history students who are studying World War II in their respective classes, and it is one of the most patriotic movies i've ever seen, as well as being one of 1962's finest films.
Amy Edwards As my great grandfather was one of the many men who participated to this historic and epic event, this movie has always been very special to me and my family.Each time my great grandfather was watching or even discussing this movie, all his memories of that day as well as all the relationship he had with great friends he lost on that dirty beach came through. The moments of happiness, the tension becoming stronger each day waiting for big battle, the fear of dying or losing the strangers you learned to know and respect throughout the intense training. This movie had a very special resonance to him and he was very thankful that such a movie was released and even more he was proud that the director didn't take on any side because the Germans were as afraid and respectful towards the men they faced.Now when I watched this movie, it makes me remember of my great grandfather who was one of those heroes, one of what we called the greatest generation. He had the chance to survive this day and the battle which followed and claimed even more lives. So it has also a very special place to my heart. We should never forget their sacrifice and be careful to not repeat the same mistake which led to WW2.
ofpsmith I love US History. Especially World War 2. And this is a really good retelling of the D-Day invasion. It represents the Allied and Axis points of view of the battle. This same kind of thing would later be done in the studio's later film Tora! Tora! Tora! They got tons of big names in here too. John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Robert Mitchum, Richard Burton, the big people in 1962. If you know anything about World War 2 you'll probably know the premise. The epic D-Day invasion of Nazi-Occupied Normandy, France on June 6,1944 by US and British forces, commanded by General Dwight D Eisenhower. The film does a fantastic job of showing us everything on all scales and on every setting of D-Day. That's probably why it's almost 3 hours long. The massive battle scenes are fantastic, the acting is good, and it's an overall fantastic representation of D-Day. As I said before, it's a log movie but if you get some extra time on your hands, give it a watch.