The Lake House
The Lake House
PG | 16 June 2006 (USA)
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A lonely doctor who once occupied an unusual lakeside home begins exchanging love letters with its former resident, a frustrated architect. They must try to unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary romance before it's too late.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Jotirmoy Das I love and respect Keanu, i follow him as well. Movie is awesome beautiful story , beautiful movie ,Sandra is just awesome, acting is superb.The leaves , the breeze and the lake house with snow ,so romantic with a tragic ending .But the movie started from where it ended.Beautiful song ,overall the movie is very nice ,one should watch this movie.
purrlgurrl What can I say? I avoid films like this. In my experience, romance is a pipe dream and there's no point wasting time on silly movies about pipe dreams. I watched it after flipping through On Demand films and finding nothing else even mildly interesting. It was a "desperation" selection. That I liked (no, loved) this movie so much leaves me speechless. There's no reason why I should have. After all, it's a completely implausible sappy love story. Two people separated in time, falling in love through letters left in a magic mailbox ... I should have run from the room screaming. Instead, I've seen the film four times. The only reason I can give is that the performances by Reeves and Bullock transcend the schlocky material and touch me. Their on screen chemistry (yes, they do have a few scenes together despite their characters living in different times) turns what should have been a laughably bad film into one with real heart at its center.
juneebuggy I have a bit of a thing for time-travel stories, this one is pretty good although it still demands some suspension of disbelief, or that you just go along with the romance and stop trying to dissect that aspect. It also teams up Sandra Bullock & Keanu Reeves again and they're good together even if their characters are both a little flat here.Bullock plays a lonely doctor who rents a glass house on the lake. She's sad because of her job and a boyfriend she doesn't truly love. Through a (magic) mailbox she begins to exchange letters with an architect who is living in the same house just 2 years in the past. Somehow they share this space and fall in love but how will they ever get together? The movie spans several years, has fantastic secondary characters (a very mean Christopher Plummer, Dylan Walsh, Shohreh Aghdashloo) and the glass house on silts is beautiful to look at but I sure wouldn't want to live there.Initially the story is a bit jumpy, what with the 2 year time issue, doggie footprints and letters being exchanged (as conversations). I also never did figure out what was up with the dog, which time was he from? Who owned him? There were also some sections in the movie that dragged or were just plain boring; like the scene where Alex and Kate meet at a party and talk and dance for like an entire song. If I'm honest it was also about halfway through that I realized how depressing this movie was: unrequited love and bus accidents and Sandra's character in general who's so morose.Still, I liked it and that kiss at the end, wow could you ever feel the true love and desperation to just ...touch. 5/26/15
info-220-630070 This is plain ans simple a Drama / Romance movie. Guys usually dislike this king of movies and so do I, but "The Lake House" offers a plot that differs from those in its category. I will review it without spoiling any details besides those in the synopsis. The first time I saw this movie was years ago, when it was released on DVD, and casually I watched it again last night and realized what a genius and complex plot it holds while supporting a straight forward goal for the heroes in the movie: surpass the obstacles between them, completely our of their control, in order to meet. What great obstacle can keep this two apart you say? No small deed... a time gap. Through a series of well elaborated twists and interventions from forces neither characters, and sometimes not even the audience can understand, the heroes and briefly united and eternally separated and the same time.The time lapses, jumps, plot twists and mindsets are a bit hard to follow, which may have gotten this movie a bad rep for some time, but in reality, it is what separates if from its genre. You suddenly feel like you are watching Sci-fi like "Interstellar" or "Star Trek"... and that is why some guys (including my own) has found this title to be quite interesting.If you will be watching the movie for the first time, it will be a bit hard to keep up, but a simple fact will probably help you: remember Kate and Alex are being separated by a time gap, but more than that, their mind sets at the time where the other is. The time machine here? The mailbox... that is their connection.I wish I could explain more but I would give out spoilers. Basically, great pick, this is at its core a chick flick, but guys will be hooked with the loops and enigma surrounding the phenomena the romance.
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