Just Like Heaven
Just Like Heaven
PG-13 | 16 September 2005 (USA)
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Shortly after David Abbott moves into his new San Francisco digs, he has an unwelcome visitor on his hands: winsome Elizabeth Masterson, who asserts that the apartment is hers -- and promptly vanishes. When she starts appearing and disappearing at will, David thinks she's a ghost, while Elizabeth is convinced she's alive.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
erikacunanan29 MORE REVIEWS AT booksequalhappiness.blogspot.comThis is a rewatch (I've rewatched this many this) and I still love it. I love the story between Lizzie and David. It was interesting to see that their relationship started as hatred and then turned into something more. I was devastated for Lizzie when she found out what happened to her and I'm glad that David tried to help her. It was touching and very funny to watch. David is so adorable.
witster18 Notting Hill started right after. It must be rom-com late night tonight. My first thought is I think I liked this a touch better than Notting Hill actually. Maybe it's the whole British thang.. ? .. Bah I love Brit/pop, love special bitter ales, AND a lot of British films... Then what is it? I dunno, maybe I find Ruffalo and Witherspoon more charming? Nah, I don't think that's it. I think it's the chemistry, but now that I think about it some more I do prefer Ruffalo to Grant's ever-loathsome character(plays that guy a bit too much actually). While both films are predictable(whole genre) - I think Just like Heaven comes together a bit better down the stretch. So Witherspoon and Ruffalo work great together here, and the race against time plot also adds quite a bit to the second half. The supporting roles are written and acted with care, and obviously this is a rom-com with enough charm to over-ride the sap for the fellas. I can definitely recommend this and may even need to revisit 2005's top-25 list to see if this creeps in the bottom. It may, and considering I see about 80+ films a year, that's quite the accomplishment.. I can count those that have this millennium on one hand.. This years"Aloha", last years "Enough Said".. Maybe as good as it gets.. Maybe devil wears Prada... "Silver linings and seeking a Friend from '12, Barneys Version Midnight in Paris from the couple years before that... Either way I only see 1-2 make my top 25 most any given year, so that would probably make this top two for the genre in '05.. Let me go look.. Yea, I wouldn't call Wedding Crashers a rom-com even though it's close so that would make this clearly the best rom com for '05 and I'm putting it at #25, as believe it or not, it knocks "revenge of the sith" off the list(the only of the 2nd trilogy to now have 'made a list' for any time. 69/100
cineca99 The two characters had chemistry, what I like of this movie is how the story goes so well through the whole movie. At moments it gets emotional, it's a very emotional movie and I loved that. It had nice comedy. It showed a different kind of love story, where everything is attached by the soul of both characters. Why I gave it a 9/10? because, there was a point where it became kinda predictable and a little bit unreal. Yes, people can get out of a coma, but, all because a kiss? it reminded me of The Sleeping Beauty, i get it, they had a point, Lizzy could probably wake up by having a connection with David, which they had, but that was so out of a fairytale. But dreaming is good once in a while. Nice movie. Entertaining chick flick.
Harout Hi, I have never been so hard on a movie but wow, that was really bad.Why ? Simply because I have read the book before watching the movie. (Be careful : the following text contains book spoilers) The scenarists just have changed EVERYTHING compared to the original scenario. The book is awesome and really romantic and cute. They have just taken off all the magic of the book.They have changed the whole background about David (his real name is Arthur), how he's an architect and how he's a business and life partner with his friend Paul (Jack in the movie). They are really really close in the book compared to the movie.Second of all, we don't see Elizabeth's sister in the book but her mother...There is also a really GIANT part of the book that have been cut off, it's when they kidnap Elizabeth... This kidnapping took a big preparation in the book and after the kidnapping they took the body in David/Arthur mother's house.Damn, seriously they just have KILLED the book, I shouldn't have watched that.There's also a sequel for the book and I hope they will not make a movie out of it.TL;DR The movie is really bad compared to the book, if you liked the movie just try the book you will LOVE it.(Sorry about my English, it's not my native language)