Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie
| 22 May 1999 (USA)
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie Trailers

As Colorado Springs' Commisioner, Sully opposes a deal to mine for copper to make electricity. In order to sway Sully's decision, Mr. Garrick threatens Sully. Sully and Michaela's daugther, Katie, is then kidnapped while the town celebrates Michaela's birthday. The search for Katie takes Sully, Micheala, and their friends on an adventure through Mexico that is filled with danger at every turn.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
HorseLover I did not get to watch this movie when it first aired but I did get to see it when Lifetime showed it in April. I thought the movie was great! Everyone on did a fabulous job with there acting, directing, writing, exc. I love the DQ series and I thank Hallmark channel for keeping it on. I hope there is a third DQ movie made.
epiphany-5 I can always count on Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman to make me laugh. Hysterically. I won't even bother to recount the - excuse me for swearing - 'plot' of his movie. But I can tell you that 'I love you', 'I love you mommy' and 'I love you pappy' is about as deep as it gets.However, raise a glass with me and toast the blatant anachronisms, Jane Seymour's distinctly 20th Century hair and make-up (her mascara is piled on so thick that it resembles spider legs), the clichéd plots, the tweeness, the simplistic and vomit-inducing moral sentiments, the silly storylines etc.etc.etc. This is US TV at its lowest common denominator. No punch, no guts, no edge, utterly unmemorable. I'd like to personally shake the hand of the person that decided it was time to pull the plug. It is, always has been and remains, the televisual equivalent of valium.
Dick106 After watching DQMW, The Movie, I thought of all the series episodes that led up to it. The movie was great - even for those who might never have experienced the six years of the evolving story of Dr. Mike and Sully. To us, the consummate fans, the missing factor was the gap, the three years of missing documentation of those years and a few missing cast members. Since CBS has given them a go-ahead for a second movie, I hope that it will get better promotion and become a real audience grabber leading to a string of 2 hour specials. Matlock and Columbo did it as did Cagney and Lacey.
KatharineFanatic I saw this film, and thought it was pretty good. Being a fan of "Dr. Quinn," I was pretty ticked off when they took the series off of CBS. The movie plot was excellent, it was fast-paced, and all turned out well in the end. Worth watching, especially if you're a fan. :)