My First Wedding
My First Wedding
PG-13 | 18 August 2006 (USA)
My First Wedding Trailers

A young lady about to get married realizes that she has a problem: she fantasizes about every man she sees. She goes to confess at church but unknowingly confesses to a young man who is not a priest. He agrees to help her, but falls in love with her along the way. Unfortunately she still thinks he is a priest.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
jocedeg The fact that this movie stayed on the shelf for over 2 years should be a good indication as to how awful it is.Good looking sex-starved Vanessa, who is not a catholic, walks into a catholic church to confess that even if she's getting married in 3 days, she hasn't slept with her fiancé and she wants to sleep with every guy she sees.Well, believe it or not, the man listening to her confession is the church's handyman, Nick.Of course, Nick wants to take advantage of the situation, so he impersonates a priest and tries to get in bed with Vanessa.Shades of "Three's Company" as far as credibility goes...The improbable premise prevents you from believing everything that happens from that point. If you watch this, you'll suffer through 90 minutes of attempted humor delivered by bad actors in a movie shot in a bleak autumn-feeling Montreal that has rarely looked this bad.Michel Cusson's music is up to the crummy standard he has reached since taking his clichéd TV work to the DTV world: Johann Pachelbel must be turning in his grave ! Another score written while sleepwalking and dreaming of that small check he's gonna cash, laughing all the way to the bank (and leaving any self-esteem behind...). A truly annoying score.Rachael Lee Cook is still a looker, but her bad acting makes her unsympathetic character look truly retarded. Too bad she doesn't have the skill to match that cute face...In the end **spoiler** the guy gets the girl he deserves and you get to hate yourself from having wasted your time, yet again, on a clunker filled with unknowns and a cute young actress who'll never rise above this crap.
Alien-29 Gorgeous bride-to-be Vanessa Sinclair, who starts fantasizing about every man she sees, and all of this right before the big wedding, so she seeks refuge in the church confessional. After pouring out her soul to the priest inside, Vanessa asks him to remain by her side to help her stay faithful until the big day. However, the man she believes to be a priest is actually the sexy local carpenter repairing the confessional. Before you can say "mistaken identity," motorcycle-riding ladies man Nick Francis has transformed himself into "Father Nick to seduce the blushing bride. But lust quickly turns into love, and the fake priest must find a way to stop the wedding and reveal his true identity before he loses the woman of his dreams forever. So, what to say? Cute? Romantic? Actually, neither. Its just another sugar-water movie so if You are extremely bored and up for a naive brainwash go for this one, You may actually like it. Otherwise stay as far as possible :)
mariusica Hi. Saw this on an afternoon on HBO with no expectations. I found myself laughing very hard at many parts. The charade part was especially hilarious ! Also, Nick's character and the acting from Kenny Doughty was great. Rachel Leigh looks great like always. Kenny is a great find and a nice English accent. So an OK movie by all means. See it if you have the chance on TV. I don't know why the previous posters were so mean with the film. Maybe they just expect every film to be Oscar level or a $100 million romantic comedy. It's just a Canadian/UK co-production and it succeeds at least in being funny. Watch it and you won't regret!
drjrodta My fiancée wanted to rent this movie since we are getting married in about 4 months. I knew just from the cover I was going to hate it, but I just went along. Well, I did hate it. And so did she. The storyline was absurd; even though it IS a movie, no one in their right mind would believe that a real priest would act the way that the one in this movie does. The acting was definitely lacking - there were many scenes that just looked so unrehearsed it was sad. The priest character had some absolutely ridiculous acting scenes. I wouldn't waste your $3.95 or whatever you may pay to rent this one. I would have rated it a negative if that was an option.