2 Days in Paris
2 Days in Paris
R | 09 February 2007 (USA)
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Marion and Jack try to rekindle their relationship with a visit to Paris, home of Marion's parents — and several of her ex-boyfriends.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
l_rawjalaurence 2 DAYS IN Paris isn't going to be the kind of film to win any Oscars; its subject-matter is a familiar one (the American floundering in a foreign culture), and the conclusion equally predictable. Nonetheless Julie Delpy's film does have its incidental pleasures, notably two winning central performances from Delpy herself as Marion and Adam Goldberg (as Jack). Although different as chalk from cheese, they nonetheless try to sustain their love-affair in the face of almost insuperable obstacles - Marion's overbearing, non-English-speaking parents, a bohemian ex-boyfriend of Marion (Daniel Bruhl), plus a host of other impediments - imagined or otherwise - that befall Jack's stay in Paris. The film takes some predictable potshots at Americans abroad; their monolingualism, their expectations that everyone should think like them, irrespective of cultural differences; and their obsession with private as opposed to public issues. On the other hand the French are not immune from criticism either; Lukas (Bruhl) is portrayed as a libertine paying scant regard for such things as reliability or privacy. The film's conclusion is predictable enough, with the lovers vowing to separate yet unable to do so, but it has been an enjoyable trip along the way.
Monica Kim After seeing this movie for the third time, and laughing more and more with each viewing, I think I can officially say that I love Julie Delpy. In fact, I will go a step further and announce that she's one of the most talented and interesting artists around. She really can do it all--write, direct, sing, and play guitar. Hell, she even grows old gracefully. Two Days in Paris is hilarious, smart, offensive, dark, and completely ridiculous (see Adam Goldberg) in the best possible way. It's such a simple story, but she brings out the humor so organically, and that's why, like a vintage Woody Allen movie, it doesn't lose its raw pizazz.
DQGladstone I'm a pain in the arse. I liked the scene in this film where Dad Delpy is "keying" the cars that are parked on the sidewalk. Adam Goldberg tells him to run for politics but I like the directness of keying the cars. It puts the power into the peoples hands and out of politician's hands and it saves time. Even though I would never do it. Better to throw eggs. Sure, that means you have to walk around with eggs in your pocket but there's always a price, right?The baffling thing about this film is that Julie Delpy is writing about two neurotics where the girl is a self-centered liar. How odd.In the scene where they are kicked out of the restaurant, her character IS being unreasonable and SHOULD be kicked out.Goldberg says more than once that he knows she's had sex with other men, but why does she have to lie about it? She has a personal voice-over where she acknowledges that it's OK to lie about things if you probably won't be discovered.In the end, the couple seems to stay together because they are too tired to move on to the next drama. In fact, if she'd stop lying, they'd have a pretty good relationship.This is a cute movie for it's nice grasp of family life, past sexual history (where Mom once did Jim Morrison) and idiot cabdrivers. All of the actors were funny and- there was a shot of the mini (?) "Statue Of Liberty" in Paris and I thought they were back in New York and I was disappointed.This is a good movie but one where Delpy casts a woman (herself) as the "bad guy" in the relationship. Is she a saint or something? It's so rare to see a woman intentionally casting herself as flawed. Kind of refreshing.
Framescourer Impossible to watch without entertaining the ghost of Richard Linklater (Before Sunrise/Before Sunset). Indeed Delpy clearly has the aesthetic, subject material and script content in her own mind as well. It is a great testament to her that this is an idiosyncratic, coherent and self- contained rom-com in the metropolitan tradition of Annie Hall.It helps that she persuaded Adam Goldberg to play her lover. He's a fine actor (look no further than Linklater's own Dazed and Confused, no less) but here he's careful not to overplay the Jewish weltschmerz. He's attentive to the chief protagonist being the relationship that the two principals have and not each of them individually. Delpy also does a fine job given that she's clearly shuttling between different ends of the camera - not too 'kooky'.The ensemble cast is well taken without reserve, all creating striking but not overpowering characters along the way. The film is shot largely hand-held and jumps through the episodes with an energy that goes with the purported watershed age of Jack and Marion (they're meant to be 35). I liked it very much. 7.5/10